Security Scare at Trump Rally as MAGA Supporter Breaches Press Area During Trump’s ‘Fake Media’ Rant

Security Scare at Trump Rally as MAGA Supporter Breaches Press Area During Trump’s ‘Fake Media’ Rant

Security Scare at Trump Rally as MAGA Supporter Breaches Press Area During Trump’s ‘Fake Media’ Rant

Posted by inewser

  1. First a shooting, now this. Maybe its a sign for how Trump’s support is waning.

    Edit: correction, the rally breacher was going after the media there not Trump.

  2. “Oh good! They’re still dumb enough to interpret the things I say into violence.” 

  3. The obvious choice at this point is for the media to no longer cover his events. Just have no press show up for his events.

  4. “He’s on our side” trump told the crowd after the man tried to attack the press. That’s absolutely insane and it’s a clear signal that he (still) supports violence. 4 years from now, Jan 6 will look peaceful in retrospect if trump wins.

  5. Just stop going. The press should just quit covering him. And let him rant to the fools that came

  6. Demented individuals being spoon fed violence, and hatred. Incidents like these are only to be expected with Trump’s platform.

  7. Everything EVERYTHING, in Trump world is produced, written, and directed by Trump…

  8. It is funny, though. The MAGA crowd was cheering when one of their own MAGA got tased.

  9. Just don’t give him any media coverage then? Why do we reward bad behavior? Make him start his own shitty news channel.

  10. If Trump can’t guarantee the safety of the people covering his campaign – they should refuse to cover his campaign.

  11. This mother fucker really doesn’t know why the media doesn’t report favorably of him?  

  12. What does it say about you as a front runner when you have people from your own cult wanting to pierce the other ear?

  13. A violent cult. Not all the cult members are goofy grandpas and grandmas, a large percentage are young, angry racists who are looking for an excuse to crack heads and unload their ARs.

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