Donald Trump doubles down on bizarre claim ‘Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s love child’

Donald Trump doubles down on bizarre claim ‘Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s love child’

Posted by SubstantialSnow7114

  1. Majority of his former administration say he is unfit. Sad to see elderly cognitive decline

  2. And ex-government employee Donald is a glob of melted cheddar that dripped onto a pile of public restroom floor sweepings, before getting cold and greasy.

  3. For his own good, he needs a brain scan from a real specialist, not a politco-narco appointee.

  4. Picture this. A tired old formerly dominant orange chimpanzee banging a garbage can with a stick and throwing rocks up in the air, hoping one might hit somebody.

  5. He’s been pissy at Trudeau ever since Ivanka and Melania **both** eye-fucked Trudeau while in Donny’s presence, beat Trump at his own Handshake domination game, and pointed out that Donny’s Grand Dad ran a Whorehouse in the Yukon Territories.

    Fragile Ego and small Penis. Stormy Daniels will confirm.

    That’s all it is, with demented Weirdo Donny.

  6. Sure. Margaret met Fidel Castro when Justin was four years old but Castro is his father? Trump is not good at math. Or reason. Or sanity.

  7. We give Tump too much oxygen and mind space. Time to lock him out … pay less attention to him. He does it just to get attention

  8. So is Justin running to be president of the USA?..He’s mad because Melania has a crush for Justin Trudeau.

  9. Can any Trump fans just do me a favor and establish now whether *this* insane thing he’s saying is a real belief, or just a joke, so we know how to respond when he says the opposite in a week?

  10. Don Jr’s biological mom is Stormy Daniels.

    Don Jr’s biological mom is Stormy Daniels.

    There, I also doubled down lol.

  11. If anyone around him cared about his actual well being he would be institutionalized under the Baker Act for acting like this.

  12. Did anyone see that older video of his wife looking like she wants to bone Trudeau? Yes that’s the reason for this

  13. Meanwhile the media has its laser focus on the possibility that Harris has changed her mind on policy questions, ignoring the insanity coming out of trumps mouth. “That’s just trump, nothing to see here”

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