That classic graveyard smile

That classic graveyard smile

Posted by yell_worldstar

  1. Funny thing- The Taliban would have done the exact same pose over the grave of their victim as the convicted felon and rapist

  2. Isn’t this supposed to be a humor sub?

    This. Isn’t. Funny. It’s infuriating.

  3. It has always been clear that this is the smile of someone completely without empathy. Like the smile of a young kid who just got something he hates from Grandma for Christmas but has been told he has to smile.

  4. Remember when Trump had a meltdown over the football players taking a knee. The only reason he pretended to be concerned is because he wanted to ruin the NFL.
    Some years ago Trump wanted to own an NFL team. He failed in his bids and was never able to acquire an NFL team. He felt shunned and sought revenge on the organization.
    Eventually Trump acquired a team in the USFL. He convinced the league to sue the NFL to force a merger. The merger never happened and in time the USFL folded. Many blamed Trump and his lawsuit for the league’s demise.
    Trump became POTUS, about the same time as some NFL players began their silent protest by taking a knee during the National Anthem. Trump made a big deal about the kneeling and encouraged fans to boycott NFL games. He had hoped the boycott would take off and the NFL would suffer financial losses as a result.
    Do you think he really cared whether or not they were on a knee. Or that he was the least bit interested as to why they did it? No to both questions. He simply saw it as an opportunity to take a revenge jab at the NFL and Nono e would be the wiser because the kneel was causing a smoke screen for him.
    What a guy, huh? Great for American business, he is. LOL

  5. My extreme republican father in law stopped watching the NFL after this.

    He’s been overseas in vacation for a few weeks.

    I cannot wait to pick his brain on this when he returns!

  6. Wilhoits. Any free expression by black people can be deemed unpatriotic because they are in the out group

    Trump is not only in the in group. He defines it. Anything he does is by definition patriotic in their minds

  7. People often forget that retired Army Green Beret and NFL player Nate Boyer literally suggested Kaepernick take a knee as a sign of a more respectful protest. Kaepernick listened and incorporated it into his protest.

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