Trump denied knowing MAGA Official who was Found Guilty of Tampering with 2020 Voting Machines to transfer voting data to Trump allies

Trump denied knowing MAGA Official who was Found Guilty of Tampering with 2020 Voting Machines to transfer voting data to Trump allies

Trump denied knowing MAGA Official who was Found Guilty of Tampering with 2020 Voting Machines to transfer voting data to Trump allies

Posted by Postnews001

  1. Another one thrown under the bus. Don’t worry though. I’m sure the rest of his supporters in the government will never think that the leopard will eat their face.

  2. Even if this were true, in the absurd stretch of imagination where he doesnt know who she is… it still doesnt look great. It just shows he’s uninformed or forgetful. The best thing to do would be to admit she was a bad apple and you ensured she saw prosecution. He’s clearly intent on lying but he cant see past his own stupidity that outright denial looks horrible. At least with the example I gave, he could give the facade that he’s honorable and it would give credence to his whole “remove corruption” thing.

    Trump has got one fucking string on his guitar, one note, and that strings about to break. Im glad, very fuckkng glad, but at this point i feel like a toddler could spot the flaws in his strategy

  3. He would likely deny he was married thrice, divorced twice, and has 3 different baby mamas, and wants to sleep with his eldest daughter, you know, the one he desires. He denies knowing people with whom there is photographic evidence of him with at parties, side by side. He denies his crimes. He denies everything. It’s never his fault. He is innocent. Cheeto Jesus, right?

  4. I’m in Colorado, and Tina Peters was such “low level” that I actually think Trump is telling the truth here. She is 100% MAGA, but she was so insignificant that there really wouldn’t be any reason to know her. Just more stupid people trying desperately to impress him who he would never give a fuck about.

  5. Adding the ever-growing list of people Drumpf, apparently, did not know or never met… (despite, in many instances evidence to the contrary, but I digress…)

  6. I find it even more satisfying is she went out swinging and spewing hate and lies only to “die on the inside” hearing this news! I’m grateful I have enough pride and personal strength NOT to fall for the allure of doing anything for Drump thinking it’s for the greater good and/or their grand leader will thank and pardon each and every one of his minions who did his dirty work! As I told my father-in-law who owned a small business and worshipped this man, “I guarantee Donald Trump doesn’t know who the hell you are nor care about your business!” It finally closed down last year. Yeah, he really helped you out, didn’t he?! So now he just sits around probably like this woman (only in a prison cell) staring out wondering, “what have I done?!” Enjoy this quiet time, bitch! It meant nothing!

  7. Of course he did. Who on either side even believes his Bs anymore? I mean even MAGAnuts know he’s full of BS, but for them that’s a good thing. 🤪🤪

  8. Trump is a mobster..Al Capone denied everything in his day. Wanna be mobster Trump does the same. Everyone knows he knew everything.

  9. I’m waiting for the day when he denies knowing Eric Trump and Donald Fredo Trump Jr…Every time he denies knowing someone about 100 videos and still pics appear online. 😖

  10. Every time someone who does something for Trump gets caught, he’s all “New number. Who dis?”

    And those people still don’t learn.

  11. I watched a great documentary on this scheme . I wish I could remember the name of it. It involved actual investigative journalism and facts with receipts. Interviews with the complicit. Wild .

  12. They ALL need to realize if he did it her, he’ll do it to them. The J6 people should abandon all hope. The vagina neck, orange turd Jesus is not coming to the rescue.

  13. He may deny to know *her*, but let’s see if she knows him if she’s offered a plea deal. 

  14. That’s worrisome. An ex president who doesn’t know what’s going on in his own camp. That’s incompetence.

    What is worse than a dictator? An incompetent one. We can’t have that.


  15. It’s truly amazing how dumb people can actually be and get put into
    positions to act on their utter ignorance and stupidity.

  16. Pretty sure that if his wife and children have a knife fight on stage in front of him, he won’t know any of them 🤔

  17. If his own children ever actually turned against him (they won’t, but hypothetically), he’d deny knowing them, too.

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