The election is in the bag

The election is in the bag

Posted by kevonicus

  1. The irony here is that the Supreme Court okayed presidential immunity to give a pass to Trump and so Biden could do all sorts of things, but he will notbecause he believes in the constitution and the separation of powers.

  2. No they aren’t- they know democrats would never do that, they know they are full of shit

  3. A more likely scenario is that Harris has to reject fake electors from Georgia and other states which have changed their process to allow the GOP legislators to choose them.

  4. Which won’t happen because Democrats at least respect the Rule of Law, defend the Constitution, and actually have ethics and values.

  5. Ok, I had the same thought. But my thought was more with the civil war talk.

    I’m like old man it’s going to be a purge.

    Do they really think people will be clocking in at the local prisons, jails.

    The pharmacist is filling meds? These people are crazy if they think some serious payback wouldn’t be forthcoming.

    I think they should stop calling it civil war and call it a Purge.

  6. No, not like that!! It’s rules for thee but not for me. Like their dear leader they don’t believe in accountability or consequences.

  7. Good thing Republicans always recognize and care when they are being hypocritical.

  8. Unlike the past 1/6/21, this one will have democrat president at the helm and our Capitol will have more combat police and military. MAGA will be gravely mistaken to attempt anything other than a peaceful protest.

  9. come on, you know this is not how it works. by the natural laws of god, only they can do it.

  10. Better still, Biden can arrest Trump and send him to Guantanamo.. because SCOTUS says he has IMMUNITY!

  11. You expect trump supporters to be consistent in their beliefs?

    You expect republicans to be consistent in their belief? 

    I thought we recognised after the death of RBG we were done pretending republicans had any consistent beliefs beyond “if I do it, it’s okay, but not if you do it”

    If the MAGA nuts ever got their dream civil war they’d be complaining about intolerance when people started shooting back

  12. It doesn’t matter at all. There is absolutely no way they will ever believe that the Democrats won. We could literally provide a live in person thing where we walk every single person and count their vote in front of everyone and they will still claim we stole the election. It’ll never be normal again.

  13. Republicans have made their bed now they have to sleep in it. It’s interesting to know that no democrats have been caught faking electors.

  14. You forget they mastered the art of projective hypocrisy. They can ABSOLUTELY do whatever the fuck suits them and helps them win but God forbid Dems doing anything cuz they’ll grab their guns and start firing. Such fragile little pussyaching seditionists.

  15. As an outside looking in (in horror) I honestly don’t believe Kamala will be the next president or at least not for very long which ever way the election goes.
    If Trump wins I think you’re all in for a shock, he will use his new presidential immunity to do things even MAGA fanatics wouldn’t think he’d do and 2024 could possibly be your last general election. Stacking the SC was the single most important thing he did and I do believe it’ll end your constitution and result in the imprisonment (or possibly even worse) of all opposition.
    If Trump loses the election Jan 6th is gonna look like a child’s party, that was just a test run and because he got away with it next time will be 100 times worse. He’s already setting it up with his rhetoric and the cemetery nonsense was just another push against the boundaries, no one tells Trump he can’t do anything.
    Hate to be pessimistic but it’s so clear what’s happening from the outside, history is repeating itself right in front of your eyes only this time it’ll spread to Europe instead of starting there.
    It’ll all come down to who’s got more guns and who’s prepared to use them, Democrats or MAGAs and we already know the answer to that.

  16. Except Trump supporters have no self-awareness and would rail against the fake certification

  17. You can’t forget that election deniers have been threatening poll workers till they quit and then ran for those positions, i fear it won’t even make it to the electors stage before it gets totally crazy

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