Everything J.D. Vance says and does blows up in his face.

Everything J.D. Vance says and does blows up in his face.

Posted by BestStoogewasLarry

  1. She’s also a right winger. So he can’t even do the “Erhhhmagehhhrd look at those pansy libruls”. She’s got some real shit Tweets. Or, used to. Once this noise came out she deleted her account

  2. Learned it all from his boss, doesn’t matter how shitty you come across, never back down. Apparently it’s better to look incredibly stupid than admit you were a little stupid.

  3. The “I won’t apologize for a joke” line was super cringe. 

    Like…dude, even disregarding everything else, that “joke” was stupid enough to warrant an apology all on its own.

    There’s #therightcantmeme and then there’s…whatever new level of hell you need to dig to get to how bad Vladimir Futon sucks at making a funny.

  4. DonOLD truly does pick only the best people. If you think his VP choice is a dud, just wait until he is president and shows us he can do so much worse to America.

  5. “She’s so dumb she could be a republican” probably wasn’t the showstopper Vance thought it was.

  6. I think the more deeply funny things here is…

    Vance is holding up Caitlin Upton (the beauty pageant contestant) as this idiot, as a means to mock Harris. Yet that “idiot” is one of *their* supporters. 

  7. JD Vance tried to insult Harris.

    His joke deeply hurt a conservative, Trump supporting Republican woman who said that she considered ending her own life after he used her as the butt of his joke.

    When asked to apologize to the member of his party, the woman and mother who he used as the butt of his joke, he refused.

    Republican voters: “Woo hoo! That’s our guy! How can we get him to be more abusive and hateful?”

  8. Based on actuary tables alone, Vance has a 30% chance of becoming President in 2025-2028 if Trump is elected

    As bad as Trump is could you imagine how fucked we’d be with Vance?

  9. Just think there’s a bunch of people willing to go out and vote for this idiot and his leader to be our president and vice president. Who in their right mind listens to Trump or Vance speak and says to themselves “yes these men are so smart I can’t wait to vote for them”? Like jfc people are so stupid

  10. I am offended on behalf of Wile E.

    Wile E. was clever and capable, he just had unfortunate circumstance. He was also just trying to secure food in a desert. (arguably he could eat from cans, but our storyworld’s logic is that coyotes eat roadrunners.)

    Vance is a bumbling maroon who was quickly handed power for what they thought would be his public appeal with his film and all – but has quickly turned out to be a stinky inarticulate couchfucker.

  11. Going into the dark pages of the GOP fascist playbook. He’ll run his mouth to the wrong person and see what happens.

  12. He is the perfect Running Mate for Trump. He does all the same kinds of shit, but the cult is less enamored with him, so he doesn’t get away with it quite like Trump does.
    He is like a dark mirror to Trump.

  13. Hard to imagine a GOP POS that can keep fucking up on par with the Orange Shitstain, but here we are

  14. JD Vance keeps trying to come across as humorous, but he can’t pull it off because the only thing he finds funny is punching down.

  15. JD Vance is that kid in high school who tries so hard to fit in and just doesn’t understand the harder you try the more your insecurities show, and it’s just so cringey.

  16. Don’t forget that contestant was also an employee of Trump, Inc – and had said that jokes like he did made her feel suicidal.

  17. Vance is a wanker. He is actually worse than tRump. God help us if is ever became president.

  18. Pro tip: MAGA is still going to vote for him/them. They could spit roast a black child and a 1/3 of the electorate is still going to vote for them.

  19. Kamala Harris is showing us the way not only defeat MAGA but also drive them insane. They all want one thing, and that is attention.

    We need to dismiss their attacks and insults like she does as same OLD, tired and boring shit is.

    Vance is recycling a 17 year old meme because they have nothing original to work with. We shouldn’t show outrage we should be yawning.

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