Ever Wonder Why Trump’s Suits Fit So Horribly? Well, Here You Go!

Ever Wonder Why Trump’s Suits Fit So Horribly? Well, Here You Go!


Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. TBH if his suits fit his narrow shoulders that would emphasize his giant gut. The shoulder pads probably do help to disguise these two.

    But yeah he looks terrible, even worse lately

  2. -9.6 on the rating scale 1) obese 2) ancient 3) terrible skin 4) insanely bad hair piece, terrible style, 5) bafoon 6) extremely arrogant 7) false sense of confidence 8) Biggest Bullshiter on the planet 9) rude, sexiest, racist 10) As ugly a man I’ve ever seen on a good day.

  3. I’ve long thought that Harris (or anyone really) should work this insult into a debate. Something like, “Supposedly you’re a billionaire but you can’t even afford to have a tailor make you a suit that fits.”

  4. I think when he goes silent for thirty seconds or so, during one of his rallies, he actually is pooping in his diaper.

  5. His suits are the ugliest I’ve ever seen. Those are Italian? $10k? Ummm, every Italian tailor must be spinning in his proverbial grave.

  6. To cover poor posture and excess weight combined with the fat settling on an unathletic frame constantly in sedentary sitting position. You can just see it don’t even need to read it. I doubt he stands or walks unless he’s public speaking or in-between gold cart rides for his swing.

  7. He is such an expert on everything he knows better than the best Italian tailors. He know jack shit about absolutely everything

  8. If you have any octogenarians in your fam? Just wrap them in XXXL Hefty trash bags and duct tape in for arms and waists. They’ll look better than Dump in his baggy shit, the Glad is biodegradable, too, in 10,000 or so eons.

  9. He’s a caricature of branding: to wear the same thing every day for 8+ years, and to do it poorly and without sophistication, doesn’t make it a suit. It’s a costume.

  10. You could dress this man in finery fit for King Charles and he still would be the most gross person in the US; you can’t cover over filth in mind, body, and soul.

  11. Yes, the ass of his pants has to be baggy to try and hide his diapers (it’s not working).

    His pants are too long and baggy to hide the lifts he uses (same lifts he makes fun of DeSantis for using).

    Jacket is too long to give the appearance that his height is real and not just 75% his legs and lifts. It’s an attempt to make his torso look the proper scale.

    The tie is too long to match his long ass jacket. When you see it compared to is waistline you can tell it’s long as hell.

    And he’s too stupid to button his jacket to try to hide the baggy ass, long pants, and long tie. If he would button his jacket he might be able to pull it off as liking baggy suits, but instead you realize he tries to hide his ugly ass body the same way he layers orange makeup to hide his gargoyle skin and a ten hairs that are 18” long swirled on his head to hide that he’s bald.

  12. Because no one, absolutely no one on earth, knows more about ANY subject than Mr. Dignity, the stable genius.

    That’s why he knows better than the stylists and image consultants that baggy suits hemmed with a stapler, four foot long ties draped over that big gut, and the comb-over from hell ARE TOO!!! a flattering look for a fat old man, and nobody can tell him differently.

  13. As a Fato-American, I deplore body shaming of every type.

    That having been said, he’s got money. He could buy a suit that fits at least *somewhat*, and have it tailored for a moderate fee. And while we’re at it, he could go to a halfway decent stylist and have them do something with what’s left of his hair.

    He’ll never be even averagely attractive, but he doesn’t have to look like a complete caricature.

  14. Why would anyone be surprised by this? He’s a malignant narcissist. You can’t tell a narcissist *anything*. They know more than anyone else on the planet, just ask them. Same thing with the continued terrible application of Trump’s bronzer. Ain’t no one ever going to be able to convince him he’s doing a bad job of it.

  15. A good tailor can make any man, no matter how big or small or whatever look good in a suit. Hell, they can take an off the rack $200 special and make it look like it was semi-custom. Same with a good barber. Trump just doesn’t give a fuck.

  16. I think he is strictly stuck into an early 80s view of himself. And since he doesn’t actually listen to anyone, he will not change.

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