Why Aren’t Senate Democrats Investigating the Trump Family?

Why Aren’t Senate Democrats Investigating the Trump Family?


Posted by newzee1

  1. Ohhh, cuz it’s so *partisan* to call attention to it when your opposition is unabashedly breaking the law, somebody smite me already.

  2. “Democrats” shouldn’t need to be the ones to investigate the Trump Family. That’s what we have law enforcement agencies for.

  3. Because,,,,then Trump would say,,,”See how they are coming after me, next they will come after you” And the cult will believe Him. After the election, and the hopefully short, armed uprising. His election MAGA-phone will be silenced some and he will be diminished. I dont think that the Justice department has the stomach for putting ex-presidents in jail. But the rest of the family, especially Jared, should be investigated and brought to justice.

  4. I think we are all hoping that a cybernetic Merrick Garland in a silver foil jumpsuit will finally bring charges sometime in 2045. To be clear this is a DOJ issue, not something for Congress. Democrats should not stoop to Gymboree Jordan’s bullshit investigation level.

  5. They’re too busy hiding Hunter’s laptop… LOL Seriously, imagine if anyone in Joe’s entourage had accepted $2 billion from the Saudis as Jared did?

  6. Mafia runs much of corporate America Inc. They put Reagan in the White House before, so it is not without precedent. Dump is their smug “whatchu gonna do bout it, capiche?”

    They are CEOs and VPs now. No need to do the ugly work (until you gotta, capiche?). The media and social media do it for you. Capiche?

  7. Because Senate Democrats are focused on governing, the actual work they were sent to Washington to do.

  8. If we were investigating them, Trump would try to use it as an excuse to claim Election Interference. They are probably “collecting” information prior to the official start of an investigation, then they will just take it all to trial after the election is done with. Hopefully burying in a mountain of legal trouble anyone tied to Trump.

  9. Who says someone isn’t? Maybe they just aren’t bringing attention to it so they don’t give the people of interest a heads up to hide shit? I mean you don’t announce on the news you are investigating the mob.

  10. Because we have better things to spend our money on. They got theirs, which is nice, Democrats are making sure that will be *all* they get. Prosecuting a Trump is like herding cats, frustrating and nothing comes of it

  11. Because they’ve got more important things to do like keep the GOP’s dipshittery in check.

    Let Jack Smith do his job and Cheeto Mussolini will be in prison.

  12. Because elected Democrats are fucking pussies.

    Take my Senator Dick ‘I’m lyndsey grahams bitch’ Durbin for example. I call him doormat Durbin for the way Miss Lyndsey walks all over him during almost every one of their Senate hearings.

    I say this as a Union Ironworker who has only voted for Democrats and will only vote for Democrats because conservatives have always been, and will always be, anti-Union and are pro right to work.

    Elected Democrats. Are. Fucking. Pussies.

    Vote Blue for America, America.

  13. Who says they’re not? They would keep that quiet so the subjects of the investigation don’t know they’re being investigated.

  14. I just found out Jared Kushner owns half my city including all the projects. Ironically his FIL called it a rat infested shit hole

  15. Investigating a candidate’s family is what you do when you really don’t have a good standing argument against said candidate. Hence why the Republicans are all “HuNtEr’S lApToP”. Trump alone is a POS and there is enough for Democrats there alone.

  16. Because they don’t operate like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and the others. Maybe they should –but, that doesn’t stop the GOP from saying that they do.

  17. I think it’s just because it’s obvious that everyone knows and nobody cares. If people want to give the NepoBabies the keys, then there’s no bombshell out there. It’s all happening right in front of our eyes and people have had a decade to digest it.

    40% of our citizens think that God wants the Trumps to grift just like the evangelical pastors they follow have done for decades. Someone convinced them that this is what Jesus would do.

    It’s a little late to convince them otherwise with evidence because they have been conditioned to view evidence as inauthentic if it doesn’t confirm what they believe. More than that, anyone who reports a fact that they don’t like is evil.

    They’ve convinced themselves that Tim Walz is an evil human being with secret plans to destroy America. You think they care about the Nepo Babies running amok?

  18. Jamie Raskin has, on multiple occasions, presented evidence to the oversight and accountability committee (of which he is a ranking member) of all the [undisclosed gifts](http://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/news/press-releases/oversight-democrats-release-evidence-showing-trump-first-family-failed-to) the trump family received, coordination between [trump lawyers and the Republican](http://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/news/press-releases/raskin-releases-new-information-suggesting-coordination-between-committee) members of that very committee to block evidence of foreign payments, but you have Trump Lackey James Comer, chairman of the committee, blocking all investigation into trump while endless pushing investigations with no evidence, like the Hunter Biden and Biden impeachment investigations.

  19. If Republicans had any true interest in justice they should be the ones investigating Ivanka, Jared, Eric,Don Jr and how Melanias family got Familial Citizenship Visas despite Trump railing against them. Let’s find out why undocumented workers are at Mar a Lago.

  20. I think Biden shied away from what Trump was/is accusing him of. And what Trump is doing himself.

    In the MAGA brainwashed view, Trump’s the victim of a corrupt DOJ only after him to keep him out of office.

    Nevermind that Trump and his Republican predecessors stacked up (and imbalanced) the highest court in the land, the Supreme court, with radical conservatives who are protecting Trump and his crooked insurrection posse.

    Biden’s purity – he didn’t even intervene on Hunter’s case –
    is for naught it seems. It backfired, in fact.

    Now, the police can collect the gun of anyone suspected of habitual drug use.

    Say bye-bye to your guns, MAGAts.

  21. I honestly think they’re worried to go too hard on prosecuting Trump and his family right now. There are active cases in the works already, and they’re conscious of the media working against them.

    Running for President really shouldn’t be a “get out of jail free” card, but the dems are rightfully worried that if they go to hard on this, it’ll look like they’re trying to jail a political rival entirely for political purposes.

    After the election, assuming Trump loses, I think his whole family will be going down. The courts will not hold back.

  22. Because we voted for them to legislate not investigate

    Something republicans don’t do

  23. Perception. Trump has already planted the seed that these are attacks on him because he is a candidate. The more they try to prosecute the more it appears he is right.
    Not that I agree, but I think this plays into it.

  24. Someone needs to wake up garland and wrey !! Wt..! Abbot raiding activists homes and arresting women in their nightgowns…the fbi sleeping on sexual abusers like it’s no big deal. I understand bidens hands off approach but they should be held responsible for their failures.

  25. When Harris gets in -her first official action should be fire Garland. We need a DOJ and an Attorney General who can move fast at going after Trump- for all of his crimes- not sleeper Garland.

  26. Because as much as I enjoy the Dems abandoning “when they go low, we go high,” this is ultimately not an important battle to pick.

    The author gives it away in the first line.

    “The GOP won’t let up on Hunter Biden, so–”

    So let’s waste ADDITIONAL taxpayer funds and government time doing a tit for tat playground snot rocket?

    Let it go. There are far more important things to worry about.

  27. Because they don’t have the votes to make charges stick and Republicans bought the Supreme Court

  28. Possibly waiting til after the election and when DonOld loses they will throw him in the slammer.

  29. In my fantasy government league they are too busy governing the country to bother with that crap

  30. It’s part of the big plan…once Trump looses all hell will break. Dem’s need to win Congress and Senate first.

  31. Investigate JARED KUSHNER! I’m certain you will unlock and find many things on him and his family. Along, of course, with his father-in-law, Trump!

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