Made this a few months back… The Kroger revelations have given it renewed credibility

Made this a few months back… The Kroger revelations have given it renewed credibility

Posted by CocaineSmellsFunny

  1. I go to the supermarket and when I look at the eggs, I always mutter… WTF? The eggs I buy are brown eggs from free range chickens raised on “small family farms” and processed using solar energy. These eggs are $4.69 and the exact same eggs (according to the description) are $7.29. WTF? Exact same product apparently for almost half price. I just don’t get it.

    Yesterday, I bought two medium sized sweet potatoes and that was more than $2. Since when are sweet potatoes $1 apiece? They are super easy to grow and grow like crazy. Something like asparagus with its “requirements” I get — but sweet potatoes?? WTF?

  2. In a recent interview with The business journal the CEO Of PepsiCo said that they may have been a little bit too greedy. He was referring to losing 3% in market, yet posting record profits last quarter. He doesn’t think that the people who found alternatives to their products will come back. Meanwhile Walmart decided to make their products a little bit more expensive. The results? Anyone? Anyone? Record profits last quarter.

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