Trump’s shocking cruelty exposed by his own family. Orange Hitler is a deranged psychopath and other people’s lives or happiness mean absolutely nothing to him. It’s all about him.

Trump’s shocking cruelty exposed by his own family. Orange Hitler is a deranged psychopath and other people’s lives or happiness mean absolutely nothing to him. It’s all about him.

Posted by 1000TypingMonkeys

  1. >**I have zero respect for anyone who respects, admires, or even worships Trump.**
    >You have to be a sick psychopath with a broken moral compass to think Trump is a good person. If you support Trump, you’re not a Christian. You’re the opposite of a Christian.

  2. and this is news? Anyone who has been following the news and current events over the past 50 years knows he is human garbage

  3. Love these sites and pages that only exist so that liberals will upvote the headline on social media

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