[OC] Highest rated video games of the last decade (2015-2024)

[OC] Highest rated video games of the last decade (2015-2024)

Posted by NineTnk

  1. I mostly agree with this, definitely a list of the most defining games of the last decade at the very least. However:

    1. In before people hate on the Zelda games/Red Dead for “not being fun”

    2. In before people complain that Elden Ring DLC is scored way too high

    3. In before people claim that they forgot Mario Odyssey was rated this highly

  2. Elden Ring having its DLC there as well is really showing how good this game is. This should be the bench mark for games going into the next decade. No microtransactions, no Pay to win, no games as a service product and so on. Just good old fashioned gaming in its peak. I want more of that.

    However I guess GTA 6 dropping next year will bring another decade of exactly that.

  3. I was surprised to not see Hades on here, so I went and looked it up: it has a 93 and would be tied for 11th.

  4. I really need to replay Mario Odyssey again.

    Also I’m surprised bg3 isn’t a 98. It’s one of the best video games ever made

  5. I’m surprised that Persona 5R was rated so highly. I had seen many complaints about the story and characters, compared to 3 or 4. Apparently, Royal added some extra scenarios and that was it.

  6. I don’t get Red Dead… it’s just…. Mediocre

    Played a few hours and sold the game back… did I miss something?

    Edit: wowowo I think I upset the geek squad lol.

  7. Sorry I never had a nintendo. I was long time pc player, then later bought ps5. Is Zelda really that good game deserves price? Or is it overrated game?

  8. By studio:

    – Nintendo = 3
    – Fromsoftware = 2
    – Santa Monica = 2
    – Atlus = 1
    – Rockstar = 1
    – Larian = 1

    By country:

    – Japan = 6
    – USA = 3
    – Belgium = 1

  9. What’s the point of the y-axis? This sub isn’t necessarily about cool data, it’s about beautiful visualizations and ways of representing said data. This graph is awful

  10. So this confirms Nintendo gamers have a mental illness of sorts?

    These games are B tier, everyone knows it.

  11. I am sort of surprised I don’t see any Polish flags on there, I would have figured that some of CD Projekt Red games would make it up there but, I guess Witcher 3 is only rated 92 and Cyberpunk only gets an 86. I guess that goes to show that if you release a game in a terrible state it is going to dramatically impact critic scores even if you go back and fix it later like they have been doing with Cyberpunk 2077.

  12. I loveddddddd Breath of the Wild, but for some odd reason, cannot get myself to complete Tears of the Kingdom. I don’t understand why I cannot, but it just doesn’t feel fun, whereas it’s super similar to BOTW, so it should be a blast. Idk lol

  13. So Persona 5, Elden Ring, and both God of Wars are after Mario Odyssey? I mean Odyssey was really good, but not 3rd place good.

  14. I think it’s interesting how the critic reviews for the top games seem so accurate to what games are the best, honestly way better than the user reviews. On the other hand, anything below the top games is infiltrated by access journalism and at that point, user reviews are much more reliable. If we look at games like Elden Ring, it only has an 8.2 because some users are raging over the game being too hard, when it is clearly a 9.5 or higher. Same with Baldur’s Gate 3 which is only 8.8 user score, most of the negative comments are that the game is turn based or that you move with your mouse which is also stupid tax reviews.

    Then there are AAA games released to a playerbase of 10-50 people sitting at critic scores of around 70 (which is above the average of 50) while users have it at <20/100

  15. I enjoyed BotW and appreciate the creative risk that they took with the franchise, but feel like it is an overhyped game overall.

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