‘There was no mercy, even on children’: trauma in the West Bank after Israeli raids • Israel accused of using a 10-year-old girl as a human shield

‘There was no mercy, even on children’: trauma in the West Bank after Israeli raids • Israel accused of using a 10-year-old girl as a human shield


Posted by Naurgul

  1. I don’t know what we can reasonably expect from the victims of this misconduct besides them joining an armed militia. No, it’s never acceptable to kill civilians, and also this kind of behavior just makes people more likely to lash out in such a way.

  2. Hamas has been using human shields for years now. And now Israel is allegedly – the article states there’s no proofs – doing it too now.

    If International penal court had been doing its job and condemn Hamas years ago for these methods, maybe they would be banned.

  3. Just your reminder that Israel has been accused of using human shields for nearly a century now.

    Back in early 2000, the IDF had a policy of “soliciting” Palestinian civilians to help them during military raids.

    It’s not something that is sporadic or rare, it’s a strategy that has been employed for decades and is just another example of Israel abusing Palestinians.

    Too many people on Reddit look at Hamas as the sole reason why peace can’t be achieved in the region. It is simply false. This “peace” without Hamas is just a return to the status quo where Palestinians keep being oppressed. A true peace entails Palestinian terrorist groups ceasing to exist and Israel starting to respect international & humanitarian laws.

    If you want people to stop acting like animals… don’t treat them like animals in the first place.

  4. The situation sucks but the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one where both sides are hopped up on atrocities against the other, which makes any support from a morality perspective rather impossible. Pragmatically, for most states, it’s beneficial to work with Israel, which is why even it’s Arab neighbours are generally noncommittal to anything in that conflict these days.

  5. I am really disgusted by the fact that my taxes are going to these genocidal maniacs and rapists instead of helping our people.

    Fuck Israel, they are bad as their Arab neighboring countries are.

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