RFK Jr. says his endorsement of Trump is a ‘really difficult issue’ for his wife, actor Cheryl Hines

RFK Jr. says his endorsement of Trump is a ‘really difficult issue’ for his wife, actor Cheryl Hines


Posted by -Appleaday-

  1. Of course it is.

    She probably still holds true to her principles so to see her husband shred his principles to join the Trump ticket must be heartbreaking.

  2. Cheryl will soon leave him to be with his true loves: Trump, dead animals, and the noggin worm.

  3. How horrible to be in the same house with someone like rfkjr. Disgusting. I hope she leaves.

  4. That will be small potatoes. Just wait until JD gets shitcanned and Trump is on the phone with a little offer.

  5. She must be an idiot herself to marry Skreech, and have to listen to his worm addled conspiracies.

  6. I imagine his supporters feel the same way. Their policies are not even remotely compatible, it’s a betrayal.

  7. She’s married to a guy who claims COVID was designed in a lab and intended to avoid infecting Asians, and claimed a parasitic worm ate part of his brain. But it’s the Trump endorsement that’s hard for her to accept? 🙄

  8. A good republican has his wife in check, popping out children, no cats and begging permission to attend trump rallies. What’s wrong with him?/s

  9. What did she expect marrying a serial adulterer, of course he was going to back the serial adulterer.

  10. See Bobby when you tell the world you’re willing to fake divorce your wife to take heat off her, you’re following words are suspect.

    At the end of the day, she still crawls into bed with someone like him. She can’t be that much of a democrat and she can’t be that turned off by his views.

    In other words, people don’t believe you.

  11. I should imagine being married to RFK Jr is a ‘really difficult issue’ for his wife…

  12. Yeah… don’t give a fuck.
    These women are complicit.
    As a result I will never watch Curb Your Enthusiasm again.

    Sorry Larry David… you hitched your wagon to a feckless cunt.

  13. His wife has way worse problems than that to consider… for one, she’s married to RFK.

  14. I hope she dumps him. He said he knew his marriage wouldn’t survive him being a running mate of Trump but is trying to be a part if his administration anyways. He’s clearly showing whats more important to him.

  15. Why did she marry a worm brained idiot? Actually without the worm, he is an even bigger ass.

  16. It should be, for any woman who cares about her body autonomy, and for any man who respects women.

  17. I have a son-in-law who is in love with Trump because he thinks his finances will be better under his administration. Unfortunately, he has three daughters oldest 13 youngest eight. I asked him the other day is your love of money worth more than the love of your children? he got this strange look on his face because obviously his wife my daughter, had been talking about this very same subject, and it is a bone of contention in their relationship apparently. As it should be. any man with daughters should worry about the choices that these religious wackos Are going to make for his children. Is it better to be well off and not have any rights for your children? Or doing just fine and know your children’s futures are a little bit safer. I’m sorry but the almighty dollar has always been chased and coveted, unfortunately wealth and power in their eyes, will always (TRUMP,) family and moral values.

  18. Weird how a woman might have a problem with her husband supporting a serial adulterer and pedophile rapist.

  19. You cannot say a person is not racist, is pro choice, pro lgbt+ when they vote for some who opposite of that, who ridicules that and dismantles protections and rights for those people.

    It’s an endorsement of those policies when you vote for trump or people who support and put forward those ideas. What you husband is essentially saying is until the economy and finances are taken care of people in need of safety can’t have it and the rights to existence for minorities is dismissible until my personal needs are satisfied. It’s still bigoted it’s just allowing others to do the bigotry for him and under a cover of outwardly nice

    You’ve conflated the fact that just because he’s nice to you means he’s a nice person. He’s not. He would vote away (and has) your rights and concerns as a woman because do finances. That’s an asshole

  20. She was 1 of 37 affairs in a year, that piece of shit cheated on his wife with and led up his 1st wife killing herself and then this piece of shit hines, had her grave move away. She trash as much as this fucked abortion of a Kennedy.

  21. Let’s stop giving this woman so much credit. RFK Jr. is a long-time anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist. She knew damn-well what she was getting herself into when she married him.

  22. This is an attempt to save her career. A week ago, both of them were saying that she convinced him to meet with Trump.

  23. So she didn’t know you were a nepo baby with no real thoughts or skills, and would kiss the ass of anyone who agrees to give you a job?

  24. Endorsing Trump *should* be hard for anyone with even half a brain. It’s too bad the MAGAts don’t even have that half.

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