Donald McDonalds Hamberders are weird

Donald McDonalds Hamberders are weird

Posted by Unita_Micahk

  1. Word is he eats there because he can’t get his food poisoned. Same for his tiny coke bottle. He wants to hear the uncorking.

  2. Oh my God… I just figured it out. McDonald’s has Donald in the name, and that’s why he loves them. What a narcissist.

  3. And McDonald’s is considered an ultra-processed food. Ultra-processed foods are often high in fat, refined carbohydrates, salt, and sugar, and eating them frequently has been linked to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and depression. And I’d bet cognitive decline is queuing for for a spot in this catalog of preventable stress to the healthcare system. DonOLD still standing is bolsters the contention that Only the Good Die Young, Billy Joel should consider lifting any cease & desist order on that one.

  4. The picture is amazing. Really. The food, the decor, him all puffed up in his bad suit, it’s all perfect. It really does tell the story of Trump.

    It shows the level of ignorance he has as an old man that after his upbringing and the opportunities he has had as a child, young man, and then throughout his life, he has learned absolutely nothing from any of the experiences laid on for him.

    Even young sports stars and musicians or whatever who come from genuine poverty and suddenly find themselves with millions in the bank know how to look better flashing the cash.

  5. Probably bought Mcdonald’s so he can save the money on the meal for those players and pocket the rest.

  6. I can’t believe that happened hahaha.

    If I had an honorable dinner at the fucking White House and got shitty ass fast food I’d be really let down.

  7. I can visualize the suited-up gaggle of WH interns scrambling, and elbowing folks in-line around DC trying to secure all that grub to impress that lard-a$$.

  8. I can smell that room.

    Wanna know what’s worse than eating McDonald’s? Eating cold McDonald’s. And there is no way that much was made at the same time, and delivered to the white house, while still warm.

  9. The man owns a fine dining restaurant in DC and had this brought in for the national champs. Donald Trump is a fucking joke.

  10. In his mind, all sports players are dumb, He thinks dumb like hamburgers. But ja everything has been super weird and insane with him since and before 2016

  11. Using the silver trays to display the packaged sauces… so classy.

    I’m shocked there isn’t a ketchup fountain.

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