CIA official: Predictions about Afghanistan becoming a terror launching pad ‘did not come to pass’

CIA official: Predictions about Afghanistan becoming a terror launching pad ‘did not come to pass’

Posted by Common_Echo_9069

  1. **SS:** CIA deputy director at a national security conference stated that official security predictions about Afghanistan becoming a terrorist launchpad have not come to pass.


    >“And so this isn’t a ‘mission accomplished’ sort of thing. But it is worth noting that in Afghanistan today, the dire predictions have not come to pass,” he said.


    >“We have been engaging with them, all throughout this period, in various ways, as they have taken on the effort to combat both Al Qaeda and ISIS-K,” Cohen said.

  2. “We’ve completely failed in Afghanistan but the very worst case scenarios that could be affecting us haven’t happened so mission accomplished”. What a joke

  3. Afghanistan hasn’t become a launching pad for terrorism “YET”, this is the key, the Taliban of the 1990’s invited Al Qaeda in and let them train to kill as many Westerners as they could. I lost friends on 9/11 and spent time in Afghanistan. There are amazing people who live there, despite the evil of the Taliban. Conversely I encountered worthless, evil, selfish people who literally murdered their own children to turn people against the West. It is a land full of extremes and we should not ever think that it will never be a threat, especially since many of the good people there have either left or been killed for their collaboration with us.

  4. There are rumors of terrorists on Mars! Maybe Mars will be used as a launch pad for terrorism!!!!

  5. Every girl and woman in Afghanistan would have something to say about this but they’re not allowed to speak outside the home now…

  6. I get the impression that Afghan men/former Taliban troops in particular seem both fed up with war, and content with their new found patriarchal social system that gives them the cultural satisfaction they were looking for despite the reduction in civil rights across the board.

    The flipside of the worst people you know getting what they want: they might not actually want much more and may settle with what they have.

    Additionally the Taliban are still trying to reconstruct the country and establish stability, which will distract from a lot of other excursions.

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