Trump Posts Terribly Edited Meme of Himself as Superman

who does this?

Posted by yurinacult

  1. That is a shitshow of personalities right there…..which one is he jerking off with his double fisting dance….elon and RFK jr?

  2. “Who does this?”

    Foreign influence actors and their digital armies. Just like Musk and most of Trump’s business investors have direct ties to Russia and China. Eric Trump admitted as much in 2014 about his family’s business being solvent thanks to Russian banks.

    So, if it’s not obvious by now, nothing is.

    Let me take you down the reason train. Because I spent 20 years in intel doing that.

    Vance as Batman: Batman is a “sigma”, has weird fetishes, and is seen by MAGA as new blood trying to save Trump.

    Musk as Cyborg: Lol they really aren’t that creative. Cyber, Cyborg, etc etc. honestly surprised not Batman. But I get cyborg because it fits better and leaves the #2 spot for Vance who has nothing else.

    Ana Paulina Lunatic( misspelling intentional)as Wonder Woman: She is a light skinned brunette with an accent. Face value. Zack Snyder’s terrible casting strikes again. She even has the smirk.

    Vivek as Flash: Fastest campaign in the election. Fastest bandwagon addition to Trump even when he was still panning him in the primaries.

    RFK as Aquaman: the drunken environmentalist crusader who sold out for power instead of maintaining his autonomous insanity.

    Trump as Superman: more Nazi propaganda, but in context, he’s the guy everyone in MAGA League wants back because they think only he can save them. So they keep trying to resurrect him with more bronzer and adderall instead of a motherbox.

    But that’s just what I see.

    It’s pathetic and backhanded insulting to all of them, but they still use it like the AI Swifties endorsement.

  3. Have you notice all of his male supporters are not even close to being alpha males more like maga losers.

  4. Sad. You don’t see any other politicians do this. Why? Not only is it childish & immature, but it screams lack of self confidence, and emotional insecurities.

  5. trump wants everyone to be in awe of him. Nearly 80 years old and thinks he’s Superman.

  6. He saw Injustice and thought “hey, I had this Superman guy all wrong, he’s pretty neat”

  7. Jesus H Christ. If they going to do something like this, pick-up the movie that made more than 2 billion dollars. Not the one that barely broke even.

    This looks like another Don Jr. bone-headed idea.

  8. This is the dementia version of wearing Underoos. Do his gold sneakers make him zip around real real fast?

  9. This is sure to win over undecided voters who are looking for a president that will think of the people first rather than themself. He’s such a narcissistic dumbass. And so many people falling over themselves to ride his dick. Its pathetic

  10. I have to keep reminding myself that this guy is the ACTUAL official Republican party Presidential nominee. THIS is what they’ve been reduced to. No wonder they’re all so pissed off.

  11. What Trump really is 👇.

    Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.

  12. poor trump… he suffers from body dismorphia… he knows deep down, he is a fat old man, that can’t even jump..

  13. In his recent NFT cards he look like a cross between Rick Schroeder and Richie Rich.

  14. how is he not getting the fuck sued out of him by desecrating Superman for copyright infringement?

  15. Remember when Presidents before Trump pictured themselves as superheroes and muscle bound? Me neither. But here we are in a tight battle between normalcy and cookoo for coca puffs land, and fully a third of the US electorate is on board with this nuttiness. Sigh.

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