Ethiopia is worried over a defense deal between Egypt and Somalia as tensions rise in Horn of Africa

Ethiopia is worried over a defense deal between Egypt and Somalia as tensions rise in Horn of Africa

Posted by Rider_of_Roha

  1. Ethiopia is worried about a recent defense deal between Egypt and Somalia as tensions rise in the Horn of Africa region. There are two main disputes involving the three African countries.

    The first dispute is between Ethiopia and Egypt over Ethiopia’s construction of a dam on the Blue Nile (Ethiopia is building the dam within its borders to generate much-needed electricity). The second dispute is between Ethiopia and Somalia over Somalia’s breakaway region of Somaliland.

    Ethiopia is closely monitoring the situation and has accused Somalia of collaborating with external actors to destabilize the region. Somaliland, which seceded from Somalia over 30 years ago, shares similar concerns with Ethiopia and strongly opposes any deployment of Egyptian troops in Somalia. Several diplomats have warned that Somalia is playing with fire by importing Egyptian arms and provoking Ethiopia.

  2. I would be curious to know what relations/alliances exist between the major world powers and Ethiopia and Somalia. By the way, Somalia I remember as a failed state. Is it still that way or has it made improvements?

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