If You’re A Black Trump Supporter In 2024, What The Hell Are You Doing?

If You’re A Black Trump Supporter In 2024, What The Hell Are You Doing?


Posted by ewzetf

  1. my guess would be that those black people hate gays more than the fact that 37% of the country worship trump BECAUSE he is king racist.

  2. I’m still waiting for Kanye to make an appearance. However I saw a YouTube video today about his platinum dentures and laughing gas addiction so that kinda answers 2 questions. The other question was , where’s Milo? MTG’s former Capitol Hill intern.

  3. Just as good of a question is why do working class white people like Trump? He did nothing to help them his 4 years in office and has no plans to help them this time. He’s running on culture war rhetoric that doesn’t help working people at all. His extremely rich family and friends will make out pretty well though; and the religious fanatics that want to control people

  4. Maybe ask one instead of just low key assuming they’re too stupid to make their own decisions.

  5. I think they are self-hating and have this weird desire for approval/acknowledge from white people. Same goes for Asians, Latinos, etc

  6. I work in a small factory where I’m the only white guy and all but 4 others are black. All the black men are Trump supporters because “no other country is gonna respect a country run by a woman,” or “other leaders are scared of Trump, and that’s what America wants, is someone that is gonna be hard on other countries and stand up for us.” So it seems to come down to misinformation and sexism.

    Edit: I’m in no way saying all black men are sexist, just stating what I’ve heard from my small group of coworkers.

  7. As a black man, I would never consider voting for trump even if he wasn’t racist which he is. It is unbelievable that I have relatives that are not only voting for him but also believe all of the stupid MTG conspiracy theories. Go figure!

  8. He heard that DT say, he was the greatest president and has done more for the black community since Abraham Lincoln

  9. I think many people who support Trump, do so because they’re one-topic voters. They know all the bad stuff, but the one topic they care about the most is what they stick to. Usually it’s abortion. Or sometimes they are convinced the Democrats are the devil, so the evil of a finals Trump, although bad, is never as bad as the actual devil or his work.

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