Find someone who looks at you the way Elon Musk looks at Trump

Find someone who looks at you the way Elon Musk looks at Trump

Posted by portlandmike

  1. “When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….., I could have said, “drop to your knees and beg,” and he would have done it…”

  2. Trump has I’m ready to suck a dick face. While Elon has that, I’d really like my first blow job look.

  3. Judging by the way he’s holding his glass I’m guessing he drinks his water ‘like daddy Trump showed me how!’

  4. I remember when Elon suck trump’s cock when he was president hoping Trump would give him gov contracts for space X and his other companies. But Trump being Trump, basically ignored him.

    >”When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless and tell me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, “drop to your knees and beg,” and he would have done it,” Trump wrote.

    History gonna repeat Elon. The only reason he’s for trump is because Biden wanted unions for workers and investigated tesla autopilot crashes.

  5. I can’t wait for Chump to deport Elon and Me-lame-ia back to the rocks they crawled from under.

  6. Elon seems like an alien trying to act the way it thinks people expect a person to act

  7. BTW, that’s the Elon Musk who exaggerates his height as being 6-2 looking down at Trump who exaggerates his height as 6-3.

  8. Omg the way he’s holding that glass while he’s looking at him like that. Super weird

  9. *National Geographic narrator voice*

    Here we see the Trumpus Imbecilius opening its mouth and making its characteristic mating call to attract sycophants and vulnerable donors. Its bright orange skin tone and flamboyant gesticulations are a sign that it is getting desperate for attraction.

    Close by is the Doucheus Technocri, better know as the Elon Musk, waiting for the moment when the Trumpus inevitably fails so it can swoop in and claim its prey. The Elon Musk often feeds on the leaching ego of others to increase its own.

  10. The best part about this to me is that it shows that there are people present at these events willing to share unflattering pictures like these, because they know, people like us, will 100% use them for our amusement. Kudos to those people!

  11. I’m also close with — maybe you’ve heard of him, Elon musk. What a terrific guy that Elon is. Smart guy. He also has some money if you didn’t know. He likes how we run business because he’s smart. He realized electric cars… look, you have wind. What were they thinking? If there’s no wind, you’re dead. No power. No electricity. Everything in your fridge, gone. Then you have Elon. He didn’t use wind for his cars. You’d think, “im driving and it’s windy”. They don’t do that. Birds die. We don’t want dead birds. They have these batteries. Beautiful batteries. They run the car. It’s honestly brilliant if you ask me.

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