The Paralympics Fire Back After Trump Calls Them ‘Tough to Watch’

The Paralympics Fire Back After Trump Calls Them ‘Tough to Watch’

Posted by newzee1

  1. I mean we know he’s racist, homophobic, sexist, that’s in the books.

    But I don’t feel we often talk about how he really seems to hate disabled people. From openly mocking the NY Times reporter, to wanting to hide disabled veterans cause he doesn’t think it’s a “good look”, to comments like this. It’s weird how he really hates the handicaped of all people.

  2. Another demographic he is alienating himself from. Between him and Vance only white male evangelical preachers will be voting for him by the time the election rolls around

  3. Anything where I see his festering mug or hear his vile commentary is tough to watch.

    I just wish he would fall into a huge vat of Preparation H and shrivel up

  4. What a piece of fucking lard I can’t wait for that orange melting pumpkin to drop dead

  5. Paralympics are easy to watch. A 78 year old Criminal, sprayed in orange paint with a muskrat draped atop his bald head, is hard to watch, even for the blind. It’s that bad.

  6. I don’t think he has a single redeeming quality. He’s just an all-around terrible person.

  7. His Basement Dwellers are “hard to watch,” too. As in: they’re hard fappin’ to Him $ I can’t stand to watch it. It gets reich ugly, like his bobblin’ chins. Ugh! Repulsive!

  8. What is wrong with this man and the people who support such a truly vile individual? I am agnostic, yet times like this, I wish hell existed. He is truly the epitome of EVIL!!!

  9. He finds it tough to watch because all he can see is how much better and more talented they are than him.

  10. Remember the days when a politician saying something even mildly offensive would end their whole career?

  11. Donny …. You are hard to watch! Fuckn ill fitting suits all the same style and color.
    Standing with your GUT over your toes.
    Same fucking hands at the waste in and out motions. The size of your hands!

    You grose me out 🤢🤮

  12. I find them inspirational as hell. I couldn’t do those events on my best day. Still gobsmacked by Visually Impaired Downhill Ski Racing events. What crazy bastard decided to slalom race using only voice clues from your companion skier. That’s incredible.

  13. He is the biggest stain our country has ever known. He has brought hatred, racism, misogyny, and homophobia to the forefront, attracting a huge cult who have always wanted to be proud to display this behavior.

  14. If karma is real he’ll spend some time in a wheelchair needing a nurse to help him eat his morning oatmeal before he shuffles off this mortal coil, and I’d say I’d hope he’d reflect on what an asshole he is to the disabled, but it’s clear he won‘t

  15. I enjoy watching the Paralympic Games as much or maybe more than the other games. I’m not alone in this. Everyone I work with is impressed with the athletes. Basketball seems to be a top favourite at my workplace.

  16. His comment (twice) to his nephew that disabled people should just die is even worse than his mocking of the reporter for being disabled.

  17. As part of the disabled community I cant even begin to tell you how disgusting this is to me.

    It’s just constant salt in the wounds he has inflicted upon us…

    Mocking that reporter as his fans laughed and cheered…

    The many, many, things he has said disparaging things he has said about wounded veterans…

    Telling his nephew that he should let his infant disabled son die while constantly making false claims about after birth abortions…

    And now he’s said this.

    It’s been hard enough for me to leave the house with a cane and live in a world since I was in my 20’s feeling like everyone was staring at me while simultaneously seeing right through me as if I didn’t exist.

    Now I know that roughly 50% of the people in America support a man who very likely wishes that me and everyone like me didn’t exist.

  18. Probably easier to watch his kid kill rabbits and shit than it is to watch actual athletes with disabilities perform. Who wants to watch their fucked up bodies and shit. Much more fun to watch cute little Barron hit rabbits and kitten in the head with a hammer until they die.

  19. God I hate this man. “Tough to watch”???? People with disabilities doing insane feats of athleticism based on pure heart and inspiration for no money just pride and country…that’s tough to watch?

    Most of the world calls it inspiring, Donald, you fucking half wit.

  20. It’s way tougher to watch a bronzer-drenched, obese old feeb tell meandering, go-nowhere anecdotes in a bizarre sing-songy voice while he flaps his arms around like an imbecile.

  21. Why is this a surprise? Trump told his nephew that some disabled people (including his nephew’s own disabled son) “should just die”.
    This is on the record by Fred trump Jr.
    this was the kid whose medical care was screwed when the trump siblings decided to cut Fred’s kids out of the will because Donald was having financial problems. It’s what started the family feud!

  22. Trump ACTUALLY said that? Its funny because that’;s what he says about anyone who is a little bit different. He told one of his generals to not bring aroundto the WHite House a veteran in a wheelchair who was wounded in Afghanistan.

  23. Anyone that supports this piece of shit is a piece of shit. Period, there is no wiggle room at this point.

  24. t rump calling anything “tough to watch” just tells me how little people tell him about his own appearances

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