Daughters of foot doctor say he diagnosed Donald Trump with bone spurs as ‘favor’ to Fred Trump, so Donald could avoid going to Vietnam

Daughters of foot doctor say he diagnosed Donald Trump with bone spurs as ‘favor’ to Fred Trump, so Donald could avoid going to Vietnam


Posted by Turd_Burglerson

  1. This is it! The final thing to end his campaign. His supporters can only take so much. This is a disgrace/s

  2. Yep. That fact we have known for the past 55 years. And while he spent his evenings chasing p*ssy at Studio 54 many of us visited the Jungle of our Choice when asked to do so.

  3. So much for being a tough guy. Just a wee lil pussy.

    Same guy who needed others to fire people because he was too much of a candy ass to do it himself.

    Some “alpha” ya got there, MAGAts

  4. That article was from 2018 and it lost him zero voters. 62 million votes in 2016, and 74 million in 2020.

    His followers literally do not care.

  5. A reporter once asked him which foot it was, and he just said he didn’t remember and changed the subject. I saw the clip a long time ago.

  6. Private Bone Spurs, yet he trashes and defames soldiers of every major war the US has fought in. Wouldn’t go to the ceremony in France celebrating the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI and honoring all those lost bc he didn’t want to get his hair wet.

  7. This was an obvious. Maybe good article to read for the MAGAs or evangelicals to connect recurrent patterns everyone else sees.

  8. Let’s be honest here: America loves Vietnam era draft dodgers.

    Every Vietnam vet that has run has lost.

    Every draft dodger has won.*

    *In 2020, two dodgers ran against each other.

  9. There is always someone who had take his place I wonder what happened to him my bet he never came back

  10. Did anyone imagine otherwise? I assume even Trump supporters accept at the point he wussed out of Vietnam.

  11. I’m glad Cadet Bone Spurs didn’t get drafted because he probably would have deliberately gotten his entire unit of real Americans killed to save his own ass.

  12. Again the snowflake felon lies and then has someone else fight his battles for him.

    Vote blue up and down to stop this cult of cancer.

  13. Long history of lying, scamming , and cheating. They are a national embarrassment and stain on all human kind. May those that support him live unbearable and horrible existences.

  14. His cult members will call it fake news. And even if they actually believed it, it wouldn’t matter to them.

  15. Someone was sent in his place. That person may have been killed. That person might be at Arlington.

    If so, the military would have sent a replacement for the deceased soldier. Who could have also been killed. And so on. For all the years that the war went on and spoiled bratty rich kid Donnie led a silver spoon life and didn’t give one shit. And he still doesn’t…See: his plan for leaving Afghanistan.

  16. 6 year old stories are so exciting!

    Seriously, there’s enough current stuff to hate about the guy.

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