[OC] Number of U.S. Households That Own a Pet

[OC] Number of U.S. Households That Own a Pet

Posted by zwei4

  1. Where do cockroaches rank on this…..or is this zoomed way in to make these visible as not flat lines?

  2. This ain’t beautiful, it’s a fcking bar graph from excel with emojis and the default font???

  3. Saltwater aquariums are very fun and not particularly difficult to keep, but boy they’re expensive. Also a lot more maintenance than freshwater and real bad things happen if you don’t keep up.

  4. What’s fuckin saltwater fish are people keeping in their home? Sting rays? Jellyfish? SHARKS? Dolphins?

  5. I wonder if there are more cats or dogs total owned in the USA. More households have dogs than cats, but almost everyone I know who owns a cat owns multiple cats. Whereas it’s most common to have one dog, max 2 dogs.

  6. What reptiles do people own?
    I’m from India and people don’t own reptiles. So I’m just curious to know.

  7. T-Rex is higher than expected. Don’t they eat their owners, or is it just the neighbors they devour?

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