This ended his Presidential run

Dukakis and a bad tank photo op, Dean and a scream, Hart and an affair.

Posted by TheRealCropear

  1. We called Dan Quayle an idiot for decades for the “potato*e*” incident.

    Then we thought nobody could be stupider than Dubya…but trump was like “hold my oranges, the oranges, the oranges”

  2. I remember when that aired. I thought to myself that he really looks like a dork. My grandfather joked that the Russians would invade us.

  3. Meanwhile, Trump grinned like a possum in a photo op over a veteran’s grave. After the Army said no photo ops. One thing is not like the other.

  4. I always wonder why politicians don’t have at least one teenager around to give honest advice:

    “Dude, you look like a dick in that helmet”

  5. After the last debate he was referred to as “Du-cock-less” because he basically shit the bed when he had to answer tough questions.

  6. Trump made a good call on the bone spurs. He wouldn’t have lasted 110 yards in the jungle – the blast radius of an M18-Claymore and thus the ‘safe’ distance for his squad.

  7. Trump’s done and said thousands of things that would have ended anyone else’s campaign.

    But Trump gets graded on a curve and treated better than every other human being on the planet.

  8. I was 12 when that election took place, but I also remember the willy horton thing was a pretty big deal…

  9. It wasn’t just this. His answer to the question “If your wife was raped and murdered, would you still be against the death penalty?” Didn’t do him any favors, even though his answer made sense. But the media painted him as passionless.

  10. Has he tried having his goons assault the personel that critiqued his disrespct calling her mentally unwell and a mean horrible person and having their supporters threaten violence on her?
    Rookie mistake.

  11. He should have talked about grabbing women “by the pussy” and how he finds his daughter sexy. Then he could have won.

  12. I was trying to explain this to a younger coworker the other day, and they were stunned that compared to the shit DJT has pulled, that there was an era when one goofy photo op could sink an entire major campaign

  13. It was pretty much done before this. This was a Hail Mary pass that didn’t land.

    Fear mongering about brown people like William Horton (only the republicans called him Willie, William was evidently too sophisticated a name) ended his run

  14. The third debate with Bush Sr. was a big deal too. The issue was the death penalty. Dukakis was asked if he wouldn’t want to kill a man who raped his wife. He gave a very politician-like answer about appropriate behavior and doing the right thing. What he should have said is, “Yeah, I’d want to take a bat to the guy’s knees, but that’s why we have laws and courts.”

    That and the tank ride are why the cartoon show, Archer, referred to him as, “Michael Du-cock-less.”

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