Trump pushes GOP to shut down government just weeks before 2024 election

Trump pushes GOP to shut down government just weeks before 2024 election

Posted by FreedomPaws

  1. They’ll lose the House, and maybe not pickup the Senate. Citizens will lay this 100% on the GOP and it will effect down ballot voting.

  2. Yeah that’ll surely help you win over voters, shutting down the government and hurting them.

  3. Just as Samson, Trump is prepared to pull down the temple if he doesn’t get his way. And there are folks out there who think he gives one rancid shit about them.

  4. Every government employer should already be voting for Harris. Every government retiree should be. If they aren’t they haven’t read Project 25 and how they are going to lose their jobs.

  5. Stop or delay the mailing of those October Social Security checks. That alone should endear the GOP to millions of Americans just before the election. C’mon Trump, show us that kind of an October surprise.

  6. We all know it. He’s shockingly dumb, poorly educated, shallow, petty, crooked, mean spirited, idiotic and insecure. He begs to be mocked and ridiculed. Those who listen to him are responsible for his behavior. We must not forgive them

  7. How is it that a political party run by a convicted felon is shutting down the American government? How can anyone take these criminals seriously? They do not know how to govern, they only know how to abuse their constituencies for their own personal gain.

  8. I’m all for him doing whatever he wants to do as long as it turns off swing voters from showing up for him.

  9. Trump is such a chump. He has set himself to either do great damage to himself and the House GOP or expose himself as weak and no longer in charge when the GOP tells him to fuck off.

  10. Please try it. Dems better make a fucking mockery of it. Live stream sitting in the capital waiting to pass a bill to find the government while the GOP is nowhere to be found. I hope they try this and it completely backfires considering they were the reason last time and they are already blatantly worthless at doing anything in the house with a majority.

  11. If I am elected, I will make the world’s largest port-a-potty, put Trump in the bottom, and tour the country for citizens to express their feelings about this treasonous grifter.

  12. Underhanded but brilliant: Shutdowns mean less to no one can be stationed to account nor centralize accountable votes taken on voting day.

    Motherfuckers are trying to obstruct the voting process AGAIN!

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