[OC] Timeline of Henry VIII and his wives

Timeline of Henry VIII wives including dates they married and their lifespans. Mary and Elizabeth have been added in as an age comparison for his wives.

Posted by TWhite912

  1. Small sample size, but there seems to be a strong correlation between marriage and death.

    More marriage research required.

  2. Would improve with some numbers added, imho

    In the white space in the left you could put something to show the age gap. Drop a line down from Henry birth year and have dotted line to the birth of wife with a number for age gap

    On the bar for the lifespan on the wife add in her age at death.

  3. Cool chart. I assume black below the line are his children?

    As visual critiques, the colored bars above the timeline make it seem like something that took a duration, like the lifespans below, which is confusing. It would also be cool to note on (for example) Catherine of Aragon’s yellow line where she was married, divorced, and if any of the progeny (I assume Mary 1st based on 2nd marriage date) came of the pairing.

  4. I think it would be easier to read if instead of marks on the timeline you highlighted the marriage period within the lifespan of each wife.

  5. Not knowing anything about history – Henry had a real run of bad luck with his wives there huh?

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