Make sure this war is never forgotten by anyone

Make sure this war is never forgotten by anyone

by lilmammamia

  1. Its impossible to fathom the massive suffering one single person, Putin, has brought into the lives of millions of people, by infecting his country with poisonous revanchism. I live in a big apartment building in a European city and in my house, among my neighbors are families from Ukraine, Chechnya and Syria, all who had to flee from wars caused by Putin.

    If one person alive right now truly deserves to burn in hell for all eternity, its Putin.

  2. Please also Remember to Salute these hero’s when you pass them and please Remember to look them in the eyes and thank them for their selfless sacrifice, it will go a long way in their personal healing! Slava Ukraini!

  3. Believe me, this war will forever go down in history.

    Nobody will forget this stupid war.

    Слава Україні!

    Україно, я з тобою!

  4. This only small part of Ukrainian war.

    Which, in turn, extremely small, almost insignificant, part of all other Russian slaughters of overall up to 2 millions Chechens, 1,5 million Circassian, 2 million Afghan, 25% 1930s Kazakh and up to 8 million 1930s Ukrainians, hundreds of thousands Germans during soviet-controlled post-WW2 expulsion, hundreds of thousands representatives of other nations, including by destruction of Ingrian Finns, and so on and so on ([](

    Not to mention USSR role in restoration of German army in 1920-1930s, and about supply up to 85% of German import during first 2 years of WW2. Or even more destructive indirect results of sponsoring of World’s monarchies, autocracy and totalitarian regimes during 19-21st centuries.

  5. I just feel so much sadness for the Ukrainian lives that have been destroyed 💔 It is truly painful to watch, and it is REALLY painful to feel all the empathy for you, but still…we have to! We must, otherwise we would not be proper humans 😢

    Slava all you heroes of Ukraine – we – the rest of us humans around the world – will remember what was brought upon you by those in-human beings that once were your brothers and sisters, and their supporters in countries who really should not be a part of the future on earth.

    Forever respect for what it means to be Ukrainian ❤️🇺🇦

  6. SkyNet will become self-aware in Ukraine, isn’t it?

    In all seriousness though, hats off to all the seriously injured Ukrainians who refuse to give up, who refuse to lose hope, who refuse to stop fighting, who refuse to be held back. They deserve our support, all of us.

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