Trump on Ivanka: ‘Is It Wrong to Be More Sexually Attracted to Your Own Daughter Than Your Wife?’

Trump on Ivanka: ‘Is It Wrong to Be More Sexually Attracted to Your Own Daughter Than Your Wife?’

Trump on Ivanka: ‘Is It Wrong to Be More Sexually Attracted to Your Own Daughter Than Your Wife?’

Posted by Postnews001

  1. Yes, and anyone with a lick of sense feeling that would not talk to anybody about it except maybe, maybe a therapist.

  2. Notwithstanding certain counties in the Ozarks, the answer is a clear and unequivocal YES!!!! All matters of principle, humanity and decency aside, she’s uglier than a horse’s hind….

  3. It’s one thing for a guy acknowledge to himself his daughter has grow up to be an extremely attractive lady. Even comment about it in vague terms in a polite way. It’s another to comment on her sexually repeatedly, and repeatedly say you’d fuck her if she weren’t you daughter.

  4. Yes, the answer to this question is absolutely fucking yes. Only pedos and weirdos support this nonsense.

  5. She was 13 when he said this.  

    He and his kissing cousin Epstein were chasing Girl Scout cookies.  And then raping them.

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