Suddenly, Jake Tapper whips it out.

Suddenly, Jake Tapper whips it out.

Posted by traverlaw

  1. So what JD is saying is he doesn’t know a single Republican? Pretty odd for the man who is running as the Republican Party candidate for vice president.

  2. Vance is dissembling, again. He cannot be unaware of Justice Clarence Thomas’ position on contraception, unless he considers Thomas to be one of the brainless Republicans he mentions. “Justice Clarence Thomas argued in a concurring opinion released on Friday that the Supreme Court “should reconsider” its past rulings codifying *rights to contraception access,* same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage.” [](

  3. GOP: takes women’s rights.

    US Women: um we make up 51% of the population…

    GOP: Sh!t, we didn’t take away your rights we love women.

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