Lindsay Graham. Weiner expert

Lindsay Graham. Weiner expert

Posted by jeffmartin47

  1. If he just accepted himself and became true to who he his, he’d be a much better person & politician with a backbone.

  2. He says we have the best hotdogs in town. We keep asking him to chew but he just throats them down every time.

  3. ![gif](giphy|uhqmbttUCckveAMVs4|downsized)

    Lindsay is a student of Madison Cawthorn’s “How to handle wood at a GOP Orgy” class.

  4. The gay part of me chuckles along with all the Miss Lindsay mockery – I mean…seriously, queen, *we know* – but also it’s not particularly cool to mock someone by pointing out “they’re gay.”

    The guy is a principle-free remora currently enabling fascism. Let’s focus on that part.

  5. Somewhere someone on the Right has a tape locked in a safe of Lindsay just letting loose.

    No way he goes from “trump will be the death of the republican party and we’ll deserve it” to one of his most fervent admirers and full-throated supporters – not without a little kompromat.

  6. Lindsay Graham likes to eat his Snickers bars upside down, so he can feel the veins on his tongue

  7. eat up those nitrate you fucking loser. He’s so pathetic. He’s consistently turned his back on the same guys he lets fuck him–and those that overtly fuck him over in politics like Trump, he just rolls over and takes it like the bitch he is. He used to be a respected politician on the conservative side. Now look at him. He’s wrecked his career all to kiss the ass of the convicted golden calf. He’s in a long line of folks who have totally sacrificed their careers, law licenses, dignity, and self respect to Trump, who in turn ignores them as they flail.

    And they keep coming back for more. It’s like they know it’s shit. They know it tastes like shit, but ***they just can’t stop eating it.***

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