Was he talking to Trucker Carlson?

Was he talking to Trucker Carlson?

Posted by Unita_Micahk

  1. I learned all I need to know! Remove all driver time behind the wheel restrictions, stop drug testing. 18 hour work days and you get your speed for wholesale!!!

  2. > In five minutes I knew as much as I’m going to have to know to make decisions that are going to be Earth shattering

    The problem is that he came to this conclusion at the age of six, and he hasn’t learned anything new since then.

  3. I hate a lot about Donald Trump. But nothing irritates me more than his complete lack of intellectual curiosity. No one could be an expert of any topic, in five minutes.

  4. Earth shattering news about trucks? Too bad he didn’t have this info in 2016 when he was President

  5. That’s probably how he treated his security briefings. Any more than 5 minutes, and you lost his attention, and he falls asleep.

  6. Hopefully he’s ‘talking’ to a big guy nicknamed “Truck” while in prison while his secret service detail enjoys some ring dings or something to look the other way.

  7. Trump lives on the world’s highest Chesterson’s Fence built atop a Dunning-Kruger mountain. A normal brain requires too much oxygen to survive at that altitude.

  8. The problem is, that’s his attitude on everything. He sits through a five minute briefing, not actually paying attention, one phrase sticks in his mind, and now not only is he an expert, that one phrase is important, even if he doesn’t understand it.

    That’s how we ended up injecting disinfectant with a lightbulb up our ass.

  9. Talking to trucks? Cargo and other things? Isn’t any product you transport by definition cargo? What other things is he gonna move by trucks? When will this stupid clown show stop?

  10. Five minutes worth of gab, and he’s got it all figured out? Amazing! Imagine what he could do for Boeing.

  11. It’s like the ultimate example of the dunning kruger effect. “I spent five minutes talking about this complex issue and I already know enough to “make earth shattering decisions.” Also “moving cargo and for moving a lot of other things?” Like there’s literally two things, cargo, and people, I suppose three if you don’t count livestock as cargo, but that’s all the things that are transported. It’s like a 5th grade book report of a kid who didn’t even read the spark notes, just the back cover.

  12. You remember that first shitty job you had in high school and there was that one guy in his mid-twenties that thought he was so smart and should be running the place and continually spewed stupidity? That’s him.

  13. Today little Donald learned about trucks. Fire trucks, delivery trucks, there were so many kinds of trucks. Little Donald was so entertained. Holy shit this man has the mental capacity of an 8 year old and that’s being generous.

  14. It’s time to award Trump some kind of medal for the tireless work he has done in the field of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

  15. It is so sad, pathetic, hilarious, and insulting how he claims to become an expert on a subject within five minutes of hearing about it.

  16. I’m old so you might not get this, maybe he has a set of Joe 90 glasses 🤔. Tv show late 60s.

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