Eiffel Tower Will Keep Olympic Rings Permanently, Mayor Says

Posted by IngrownThighHairs

  1. Honestly this is a weird move. I think they will be down within 2 years. Or whenever the next mayor comes along.

  2. Reminds me of the time when i was 8 and wanted to keep the “happy birthday” sign up in the living room all year.

  3. Way to ruin one of the most iconic landmarks in the world with a glorified advertisement. I get that Paris is proud of hosting the Olympics, but there have been so many Olympic games in history that it’s not that special.

  4. Until I read that they intend to replace the current rings with more lightweight ones, I assumed they’d suddenly realized they couldn’t get them back off the tower…

  5. Kinda funky. I can see doing it for the rest of the year maybe but even that is stretching it out a bit long.

  6. I don’t think this is going to end up being true anyway, but I am completely dumbfounded by her thinking this is even a little bit of a good idea. I could possibly see a host who really felt the Olympics played a big part in dramatically transforming the image of a city (Barcelona maybe) or country (Beijing maybe) having done this. But Paris? In a city like Paris which has been recognized as one of the world’s greatest for as long as anyone alive can remember, permanently tattooing your most iconic landmark with a “hey did you know we are cool enough to have hosted the Olympics?” message would seem to betray a net negative in terms of image and prestige

  7. I’m ok with them staying on until the next Olympics, but then I think they should go.

  8. The rings won’t stay. It’s a historical monument, the Ministry of Culture will not accept and the Eiffel Trust has already said no.

  9. The tower was originally a temporary structure.  

    Unlike the tower , I don’t think this will have the same staying power  

  10. The Eiffel what? Probably a good idea to keep the rings on it, it will make it a landmark for people to come and see and take photos with. A good tourist draw card for a city that most people only visit on their way to other European countries.

    Because I know there is at least one idiot out there /s

  11. Maybe it sounds sweet to some but don’t think I like this. The Eiffel Tower gets used as a platform for celebrating all sorts of events and doesn’t originate with the Olympic Games at all. And it’s the third Paris has hosted – it was great but is it *that* defining? Doesn’t make sense to keep it up forever or tie them together, and if anything makes it less special. Just seems stupid to me.

    Just sounds like it was a really big deal for this mayor and they lack perspective on how big it was for them personally vs. all of Parisian history. (I assume they’re not so broke they can’t afford to take them down…)

  12. I mean they do look good. It was only made in 1889, it’s not like they’re desecrating an ancient monument. Considering they co-founded the IOC it can be considered to be a French achievement.

  13. When you’re too lazy to put away the Christmas tree so you convince yourself that it’s decor

  14. This is the same Mayor who swam in the Seine to prove that it’s safe for the athletes 😂

  15. lol at us complaining oh that’s gonna make the Eiffel Tower look ugly !
    And when the tower itself was being built in the 1800’s people said the same thing about it being an eyesore

  16. We also gonna keep the Obelisque but Versailles will be destroyed after the last horsing event.

  17. In London they were displayed on Tower Bridge during Summer 2012 but afterwards they were taken down and put on display in the Stratford Olympic park. They’re still there, so you can go and see them today if you like.

    I think if you took them down and had them as a display in the Champ de Mars then it’d work, but leaving them up permanently on such an iconic landmark would be a bit odd.

  18. A big no. That stupid mayor just wants to flatter her ego and somehow leave her mark in history. Most parisians do not want this.

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