‘Trump is unfit’: Fox News publishes mass-GOP endorsement for Kamala Harris

‘Trump is unfit’: Fox News publishes mass-GOP endorsement for Kamala Harris

‘Trump is unfit’: Fox News publishes mass-GOP endorsement for Kamala Harris

Posted by Postnews001

  1. The issue is that instead of seeing this as the warning that they should, MAGA’s see it as proof that Trump is right and the system is rigged against him. It’s mind blowingly stupid but, hey, that’s what we’re dealing with here.

  2. The felon is senile, demented, corrupt, self-centered, narcissistic, misogynistic, weird, and unfit to lead.

    And we do not need any commercial, corporate media to manipulate this obvious fact.

  3. The media is always and will always be for profit. The fact that FOX NEWS… of all things… is turning on trump says more than any poll ever could. Trump is no longer bringing in the attention and is becoming more poisonous than the greed is worth

  4. >Twelve White House lawyers who represented former presidents Ronald Reagan’s, George H.W. Bush’s and George W. Bush’s administrations endorsed Harris over former President Donald Trump, whom they dubbed a danger to the nation.

    Who can tell me why George ~~the Elder and~~ the Younger cannot state this to the press directly? Why hide behind lawyers?

  5. My Brother and SIL are anti Harris. I think they usually vote 3rd party, because we all live in CA, where our votes in a presidential election don’t generally mean much. BUT I was so happy this weekend when my SIL started in about Harris,my brother stepped in and said, but “the only alternative is a stupid lunatic”. I was like, wow, maybe, just maybe, they are starting to get it.

  6. Faux has inside information…they need to make profit.

    Also…don’t they have an impending lawsuit over election lies from Smartmatic?

    And Smartmatic said they won’t settle.

    All the lies will be public info…and if Harris wins?

    Oh my.

  7. It’s crazy to me that Fox ended up turning on Trump. I mean, they are clearly a buy-out news station. Someone must’ve outbid Trump

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