Iraq shoots down Turkish armed drone days after sealing security pact

Iraq shoots down Turkish armed drone days after sealing security pact

Posted by Im-so-controversial

  1. >#Iraq shoots down Turkish armed drone days after sealing security pact

    >The drone was downed as violent clashes continue to rage in northern Iraq between the Turkish army and the PKK

    >News Desk

    >AUG 29, 2024

    >Iraqi air defenses shot down a Turkish drone near the northern city of Kirkuk on 29 August as it entered Iraqi airspace from the direction of Sulaymaniyah, according to military officials.

    >”Air defense units detected the drone after it breached Iraqi airspace, and it was shot down as soon as it entered the target zone,” Brigadier General Abdul Salam Hamoudi Ramadan, the Deputy Commander of Air Defense in the Northern Region, told reporters.

    >”The initial observation suggested that the drone, beyond being used for monitoring and reconnaissance, could be used as a bomber because of its ability to carry four missiles. The orders were issued directly from Baghdad to shoot it down,” an unnamed security source told Baghdad Today.

    >After downing the drone, the Iraqi military transported the wreckage to a military site, where it was identified as a Turkish-made TAI Anka model. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) successfully dismantled a missile found in the wreckage.

    >”The incident, which occurred in the densely populated Tese’in neighborhood, could have resulted in a catastrophe if the missile exploded,” security sources told Shafaq News Agency.

    (Continued in the next comment)

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