“Top Ten School for MAGA Grifters”

“Top Ten School for MAGA Grifters”

Posted by Pessimist2020

  1. I suspect The beer drinking cry baby was probably just there cause his daddy donated a library to the college…but thats me

  2. The irony is that conservatives love to rail against elite colleges as “woke indoctrination camps” meanwhile they are alum and they send their kids there too.

  3. Thank god for the caption on this photo otherwise I would have taken it for a Bristol stool chart.

  4. Let’s face it, Yale is just a brand like any other other. In this case, its mostly for people who can prove they’re “upper crust”. If you buy into the the idea that Yale actually means “better education” you’re a special kind of stupid. It’s just a piece of paper that costs more than other pieces of paper.

  5. Nothing about Kavanaugh disgusted me as much as his weepy ‘I worked my butt off to get into Yale!” You know damn well if he had gone to a public high school instead of the super expensive private school, the main purpose of being getting its wealthy patron’s kids into an ivy, he could have worked off a dozen butts of the same ample proportions and gotten no closer than UConn.

  6. They’re graduating people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing insurrection. They’re bringing rebellion. They’re furniture rapists. They’re actual rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

  7. Happy Labor Day to all the mothers! As a man, I can only imagine what going through labor is like. Yikes.

  8. If they are taking the same instructor I saw in a distance learning video, I can see why. They slept through class.

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