“Racists are people too!” -MAGA

“Racists are people too!” -MAGA

Posted by political_memer

  1. “I’m so sick of being called racist for supporting Trump! Why yes I marched in Charlottesville, why do you ask?”

  2. Honestly it’s because he isn’t allowed to host anything in places he still owes bills. They won’t post security until he pays up so he’s gotta go to bumfuck nowhere most of the time. I guess you can call it rallying his base, but it isn’t exactly outreach

  3. This is probably the third or fourth time I’ve heard this mentioned on Reddit. Is it actually true, or is he just visiting smaller towns because big cities won’t have him because he owes bills or venues won’t rent to him?

  4. Good strategy to get turnout but I don’t think that will grow his base. Harris strategy looks much stronger IMHO. She and Walz are casting a very large net. Looks like it’s working.

  5. It’s a play right out of Reagan’s playbook. His announcement of running at the Neshoba County Fair was purposeful. It was very close to where three civil rights workers had been murdered and buried by the klan. This is their last grasp. Riley up the far far right. The white supremecist, segregationist, “the south will rise again” voters. Newsflash fuckers – it isn’t happening.

  6. I had to Google sunset towns because I had no idea. If you didn’t know, it’s a town where (usually) black people aren’t safe after dark.

  7. Really terrible political move on his part- he has damn near 100% of the white racists vote. The only white racists who aren’t voting for him are those that are concerned he isn’t racist enough- those voters aren’t going for Kamala and the ones who didn’t vote in 2020 are super few in number

  8. Seen a few posts about ‘sundown towns’ and thought they were retirement communities.

    Saw this post and had to google it. As a non-US person I have to say; WTAF America?

    Is this a common thing?

  9. I don’t think he and his people are capable of thinking that much in advance…though if you got receipts proving this, I’ll glady read them.

  10. Supporting Trump isn’t racist. It’s just admitting that racism isn’t a deal-breaker.
    Which is just weird.

  11. They might also be the only places that actually want to see him or let him keep a tab open that he’ll never repay.

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