Trump Gets Pissed Off at Melania and Barron for Speaking Slovenian Around Him: ‘He Has No Idea What They’re Saying’

Trump Gets Pissed Off at Melania and Barron for Speaking Slovenian Around Him: ‘He Has No Idea What They’re Saying’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. LOL, I know what they are saying! I am sure they make jokes about him. Sorry, there is just no way they don’t. He’s so awful and narcissistic they must laugh at the ridiculous things he does…otherwise why not speak English?

  2. The man barely speaks English. It’s no surprise he wouldn’t even try to learn his wife’s native language.

  3. > ‘He Has No Idea What They’re Saying’

    Likely the point of speaking Slovenian in front of him in the first place.

  4. Barton has been conspicuous by his absence. Remember, he was supposed to be a “ delegate” to the RNC but was not seen… he is usually not far away from Melania’s teat.
    I believe the mute will never actually attend NYU, that is all a beard.

  5. No Barron, I have told you before that you are not included in my prenup, you need to get your own one.

  6. Stable geniuses don’t need to learn the native tongue of his wife and probably my his son.

  7. This is complete bullshit. There’s no way the three of them have been in the same room for any length of time.

  8. I recall a strange phrase my 2nd generation Slovenian stepfather told me he learned from his immigrant parents: I never learned the spelling, but this is what it sounds like in English: postratchi gatchi. English translation: poopy pants. Perhaps this linguistic oddity can find a way to the common parlance, and infamy? POSTRATCHI GATCHI Donald Trump. Do you think they have jokingly said that phrase about him? I need to check the spelling on a Slovenian (verry similar to Russian, my stepfather informed me) to English translator site.

  9. They’re making travel plans for November 5th.

    Her stbxh will be otherwise occupied and their moment to escape will be very brief. /s

  10. You mean he can’t even understand when she says, “butt stuff is more.” In Slovenian?

  11. He knows what they’re saying:

    “Barron, tvoj oče je kos sranja“

    “mama, si prepričana, da je on moj oče?”

    “na žalost ja. ne skrbi, kmalu bo mrtev od starosti.”

  12. Don’t like Trump or Melania at all. Don’t know tons about Barron. Hopefully he doesn’t follow in his father’s footsteps. But it is cool that in this uber conservative American family, he knows Slovenian.

  13. Yeah ok. When I tried Russian and changed the phonetic spelling a little, it grabbed something else, and spit out “gacha postraki” Maybe theres something to this after all?.

  14. They’re probably making up all kinds of bullshit sounds that sound like a language and laugh their asses off that he thinks it’s Slovenian.

  15. In 19 years of marriage, the “best brain” couldn’t learn a few words of his “beloved” bilingual wife’s language.

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