What if Hillary wins and then she’s locked up?!

What if Hillary wins and then she’s locked up?!

Posted by SuperCrappyFuntime

  1. Even back in 2016 it made no sense. Republicans didn’t have an actual crime they were claiming, just that Hillary had an email server so maybe there’s something illegal on it. But the media kept pretending it was real so people bought it.

  2. It’s a full on cult now these people don’t even bother being apologists for that scumbag anymore

  3. So, the questionable emails were infinitely worse than a thirty-four times convicted felon, rapist, adulterer, pedophile Jeffery Epstein’s best friend, pathological liar, ‘Christian’, dictator wannabe?

  4. In their heads, Trumps trials are fake and his convictions are just political attacks. Pointing out he’s a convict means nothing to his supporters.

  5. Some moron will vote for tRump just to “own the libs”. you know, what normal people do. /s

  6. If I were the last I’d be keeping my head down considering old pedo segregationist Joe fought against the desegregation of schools and was recently found to have been molesting his daughter who confirmed it. But hey at least the party’s honest it’s not like they were lying about the president’s health to the point where you couldn’t even hold a primary oh wait…..


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