J.D. Vance tied to ultra-right project that called hunger ‘great motivator’ for unemployed

J.D. Vance tied to ultra-right project that called hunger ‘great motivator’ for unemployed


Posted by z8675309z

  1. I would love for there to be reality show where these politicians trade places with low income families for a month. They can’t use their own money or resources. Let’s see how long they last

  2. Omgsh. Vance, Trump, Musk, Vivek, The Heritage Foundation leaders, RFK and all billionaire MAGA supporters…truly want to obtain even more power at all costs and become the ruler oligarchs of America. Scary. The fact that they want to do it while destroying the fabric of America and while creating such harmful things for the rest of America (including internal conflict due to the paranoia their missinformation creates in some) it’s truly like a bizarre nightmare of modern times.

  3. J.D. Vance is a piece of shit.

    After his grandma tried to set him alight he was left with a lifelong phobia of anything fire related. That’s why he has to use Grindr instead of Tinder.

  4. Also assuming he has deep ties to the Tiny Coal Miners Foundation, Liquefied Humans Inc. and whoever came up with the Logan’s Run system of government.

  5. How is he wrong?? Being hungry is a great incentive to get a job and money, I speak from experience. I bet that if this guy wasn’t associated with the next POTUS, none of you people would give a fuck

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