Russia strikes Poltava with ballistic missiles, killing 41, injuring over 180

Russia strikes Poltava with ballistic missiles, killing 41, injuring over 180

Posted by AravRAndG

  1. > an educational institution

    That’s one way of describing a [military training centre]( Zelensky not differentiating between that and a school for children is understandable but dishonest

    Edit: the Guardian is the same.

    >Photographs posted on social media in Ukraine showed several bodies lying on the ground covered in dust and debris, with the badly damaged side of a large building behind them. Reuters could not immediately verify the images.

    They fail to mention that the bodies are in military uniform.

  2. > An educational institution and a neighboring medical facility were hit in the attack, which also partially destroyed the building of the Military Institute of Communications, according to Zelensky.

    I don’t know exactly where the missile fell so I can’t say for sure but this does try to paint a likely attack at a military target (flanked by civilian buildings) as an attack on civilian buildings that just so happen to accidentaly hit military targets, which just shows how the propaganda is always present trying to distort whatever the facts may be to benefit a side…

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