Jill Stein emerging every four years for free money and attention

Jill Stein emerging every four years for free money and attention

Posted by strike_one

  1. No local elections. No state elections. Just wanna be president. What exactly does jill do in between elections besides hang out w putin.

  2. Putin’s pal. Remember when she and her Republican pals all went for a fun visit? Pepperidge Farms does.

  3. To be fair, it’s their best fundraising opportunity

    “Democrats sue to kick us off ballots, hire operatives to infiltrate and sabotage us, lock us out of debates, fight ranked-choice voting, then act concerned that Greens have only won 1400 elections. So which party is authentic, and which is predatory?” ^_ Jill Stein

  4. Anyone willing to vote for Stein will be willing to vote for Kamala, and Kamala has more experience and is dominating the news. I wasn’t even aware that JS was still alive today…

  5. I have been told she isn’t a Russian stooge by Leftists who are being played by a Russian stooge

  6. That’s the problem with most “third party” presidential candidates.

    They barely have enough supporters to get on the ballot in most states. Meanwhile they fail to understand that if they want to be viable they need to get 1/3 of all registered voters to show up for them in November. They don’t have congressional seats in numbers to do anything but be a spoiler, and even then it’s a few random independents or a handful of one of the two parties to support them. Much less 50% of the House or Senate, meaning they would still rely on convincing whatever percentage of Democrats or Republicans they would need to pass anything.

    So it’s not like they could do anything major anyway. Then when people like Bernie Sanders or AOC recognize this too many 3rd party voters get upset. Much less when a true Democrat President realizes they need a Manchin, Sinema, or a handful of moderate Republicans

  7. This gif has always reminded me of Kimberly Guilfoyle’s unhinged, shrieking “speech” at the 2020 RNC.

  8. “The Russian oligarchs paid me to stand on top of this pile of Palestinian bodies to grandstand about how bad Democrats are, Now let’s get Donald Trump elected and make everything worse” – Jill Stein.

    does anyone else think it’s weird that the green party who claim to be progressives never attack Republicans.

    anybody else think it’s weird that they never try and fill out down ballot candidate’s.

  9. And she makes that annoying sound all the time, “No, I don’t take votes from democrats…” over and over.

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