Internet Abuzz Over Unearthed Trump Post Calling for ‘Suspension of the Constitution’ to Retain Power

Internet Abuzz Over Unearthed Trump Post Calling for ‘Suspension of the Constitution’ to Retain Power

Internet Abuzz Over Unearthed Trump Post Calling for ‘Suspension of the Constitution’ to Retain Power

Posted by inewser

  1. After years of the MAGA base denying that Trump tried to overthrow/steal the election to remain in power, getting the impression that they’re going to start changing their stance to ‘Sure Trump tried to overthrow the election, but he HAD to, the Democrats are using their ultra secret plans to do it first! He’s protecting Democracy!!!’

    There are too many court cases, too many statements made by Trump, too many REALLY obvious signs pointing to Team Trump’s efforts in 2020. Abject denial is going to have trouble working on anyone other than his devoted followers. And he isn’t necessarily going to be able to win an election with just those followers.

    As the pressure cooker gets turned up going into the election, I think MAGA will try to reposition themselves to a lie that at least sounds faintly more plausible.

    Hell, at that point they could even use the fact that Trump’s efforts were so transparently obvious as a justification for why they MUST have been for legitimate reasons. ‘Why would Trump be so obvious about overturning the election if he only meant to steal it for himself???’

  2. Trump is a fascist, pedophile, rapist, racist, 34 count felon and traitor to the constitution.

  3. Rest of the World to America: can you please stop publishing content on this family until he’s incarcerated, placed in a mandatory 72hr psychiatric hold or the most likeliest of outcomes flees to Russia? it’s no longer news…its nails on a chalkboard

  4. If you don’t want a serial child rapist in a diaper to tell you and your loved ones how they’re going to live their lives from now on, VOTE!

  5. It was news when he posted it. and it didn’t do shit to convince his base: some are at a point where they’d be OK with a dictator, he’ll Make America Strong Again! As long as the gays stay quiet, who cares about freedom!

  6. He is going to announce the suspension of the constitution during his inaugural address if he wins. He has pretty much already guaranteed that he will do this.

  7. Hmm. But what about all his supporters and their bumper stickers? “We the people…” “1776…”

    ::heavy eye roll::

  8. Not sure what it would take, if anything, for him to be condemned for treason and insurrection, get sentenced accordingly.

  9. Trump and the GOP are trying to control local voting counts. trying to install minority rule by vote or by the courts.

  10. Retain power? What power does he have? Orange power? Felon power? Rapist power? Corruption power? Pedofile power? Sexual Assault power?

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