Trump Denies Arlington Cemetery Incident, Claims it Was ‘a Made Up Story’ By Kamala Harris

Trump Denies Arlington Cemetery Incident, Claims it Was ‘a Made Up Story’ By Kamala Harris

Trump Denies Arlington Cemetery Incident, Claims it Was ‘a Made Up Story’ By Kamala Harris

Posted by inewser

  1. This happens whwn childs never habe to step in for their own action. Just a spoiled boy

  2. In the same post, he claims Harris/Bidden is making up this story because they’re trying to cover up the Afghan withdrawal that this fat fuck dumped on their lap.

  3. I get why they won’t release the incident report, redcaps would almost certainly threaten the employee’s life.

    Someone will file a FOIA request eventually.

  4. Every day I have to keep reminding myself that Donald Trump really is the ACTUAL official Presidential nominee of the Republican party…. and for the 3rd time, no less.

    It’s just mind-blowing that we live in a world where this is the reality.

  5. His mouth is weird, his neck is weird and his nose is weird. And even if the story were made up, which it isn’t, it’s too late to be claiming that now.

  6. What a fucking assho…errr, *weirdo*.

    (I still *cannot* believe that “weird” is the word that sends Trump into a conniption fit!)

  7. Every time he opens his trap, another lie comes out. I wish I could say that was weird, but it isn’t. It’s the story of his life.

  8. Made of story by Kamala. That doesn’t still hold untrue that you went ahead and violated federal law about filming there or any Park that is a cemetery and it also violated the state parks rules because you also made a commercial so you can twist it all you want about the fight you violated laws and rules. And even if she did make it up, good for her. You have made up so many lies that we’ve all lost count. As a matter of fact, some of us still don’t even remember half the lies you’ve told. Thank God for me. I have a journal.

  9. Trump uses a visit to Arlington as a backdrop in a.campaign ad and then accused the Harris campaign of politicizing the event by calling his actions inappropriate….wow.

  10. First they said the cemetery official was crazy. Now he says it never happened. Who you gonna believe? The U.S. Army or an infamous liar?

  11. Is anyone really stupid enough to belief ConOld Dump anymore. I mean that would mean going from sane to insane.

    Edited for spelling error.

  12. Trump isn’t from the same reality as the rest of us. He doesn’t seem to know or care what’s really the truth.

    If it works for him it’s real and a genius move. If it blows back on him and he can’t shift the blame to someone else, it didn’t happen.

  13. I don’t know why he has not been put in jail for breaking more crimes since that was part of release. Fucking put him in jail

  14. Clearly the employee at the cemetery was having emotional issues….That didn’t work?

    Oh it was a setup by the family, they must’ve set me up….No takers? ok hang on

    Never happened!!! there you go

  15. **The Narcissist’s Prayer**

    * That didn’t happen.
    * And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
    * And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
    * And if it is, that’s not my fault.
    * And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
    * And if I did, you deserved it.

  16. JFC asshole, there’s real photo footage you yourself used in your hatred-fueled crappery you call a campaign, and contrary to your idiot followers, we can actually distinguish real photos from your ridiculous AI Taylor Swift picture.

    Can we get rid of this mfer once and for all, I’m so damn sick of him, I need a whole new word for it.

    Go vote.

  17. Arrgghh! I’m so incredibly sick and tired of the f$&@ing sh&@bag subhuman!!!!! He needs to go away!!

  18. This is why Arlington National Cemetery should have pressed charges, not the employee the Army. The employee shouldn’t have to bear the responsibility for his accountability.

  19. The Narcissist Prayer
    “That didn’t happen.
    And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
    And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
    And if it is, that’s not my fault.
    And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
    And if I did, you deserved it.”
    – by Dayna Craig

  20. I drove my car today with my dog in the backseat, and was more careful than normal. As I waited to make a U turn, a fucking moron in a big truck with a Trump flag decided to hold down the horn for all 20 seconds it took me to turn, because I guess it was too much to wait that long? This is the third such incident I’ve had driving in like 2 weeks. I realize that the fucking morons around me who are so stupid that they have to be reminded not to eat paste daily, the assholes who will honk every 3 seconds on the road, these are all Trump voters.

    If I had to jump from my IQ down to theirs, I’d break my legs

  21. Yesterday he said he was set up, today it didn’t happen, stay tuned for the next made up excuse!

  22. For those who haven’t read the article, a headline stating “Donald Trump forgets he is responsible for the rushed American withdrawal from Afghanistan” would be more accurate.

  23. So the statement put out by his campaign accusing the Arlington staffer of having a “mental health episode” was also from Harris?

  24. He’s losing his mind over having to go to prison. Harris knows this and she’s going to roast him about it during the debate.

  25. Juicy considering he pulled the whole stunt, including the wreath laying ceremony in an attempt to attack Harris for not attending his made up event.

  26. Ya’ll are being gaslit. Thank god he’s not the prospective leader in my country.

    Then again, we have our clowns to deal with.

    Anyway, good luck guys, you’re in for a wild ride.

  27. He was just telling fox in interview the fighting was the family’s fault lol now it’s a Kamala conspiracy?

  28. First it was Arlington fault, then when he got push back it was the family’s fault, now that he’s getting more pushback it never happened. Literally anything other than accepting responsibility. What a pathetic man child 

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