Be careful what you ask for!

Be careful what you ask for!

Posted by Pumuckl4Life

  1. Please… Let’s be real the sign would stay up and they’d have matching shirts waiting for the “illegal” to say anything so they can go full Karen…

  2. If there really are 20 million illegal immigrants in the USA (which obviously there aren’t), I’d love to hear how they logistically plan to get 20 million people out of the country. For comparison, let’s remember that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. They were packing those Jews onto trains to move them to concentration camps. How do they expect to be able to pull off a mass deportation of 20 million people? Is that really what we should be spending our money on?     

    Fucking morons. 

  3. Far too much guilt and self awareness for them to be Trump supporters. They would never be that concerned with anyone’s feelings other than their own.

  4. They have a solution for labor shortage, child labor. To their eyes, kids 8 and under belong in the coal mines.

  5. America owes its entire *existence* to the underpaid exploited class.

    The fact that US corporations have been fighting worker protections tooth and nail whilst executive pay has risen so massively is proof.

    Bobby Kotick of Activision Blizzard was earning $150m a year, meanwhile the staff that *made him* that money couldn’t even afford to buy food in their own work canteen. Even when working 60-80hr weeks.

    Also when they posted *record* profits for that year – the highest profit ever in fact – he promptly fired 800 people.

    America wants low-paid and illegal workers. Otherwise they’d have to make less profit.

  6. I assure you the asshats down here in FL leave their signs & flags up as their hired help completes the work. They do not care or have the awareness to see how hatefully ignorant they are.

  7. Driving through southern MI this weekend and everyone has Trump signs out. Y’all are trying to deport 90% of your workforce??

  8. Republicans: I NEED a gun to defend myself from government overreach!!!

    Also Republicans: We DEMAND the government go house to house with the army to search for ILLEGALS!!!!

  9. My favorite point refuting immigration is, who built your house? Who mows your grass or how about who tends your/our crops?

    These people are literally more useful and more productive than 70% of people in America.

    Sure, let’s kick them out so we can finally regress into the post apocalyptic narrative you have all been dreaming of.

  10. We had illegal alien sweeps here under Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Arpaio amped it up quite a bit with SWAT-style raids; previously, some government employee would show up and do an audit on a business they suspected was employing illegal aliens. There were many busboys, tree trimmers, stonemasons, dishwashers, etc. rounded up. The police staked out Food City grocery stores, which hurt the store’s profitability. People complained their restaurants were ‘punishing them’ for voting for Arpaio by doing things like not offering hand-rolled tortillas anymore (because the illegals who were doing this hard work were gone and no one else would do it – sound familiar?). Republicans are the Party Of Grievance, so everything that they don’t like is an attack on them, even if they did it to themselves.

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