56 Percent In New Poll Willing To See Trump Disqualified From Ballots In All Or Some States.

56 Percent In New Poll Willing To See Trump Disqualified From Ballots In All Or Some States.

56 percent in new poll willing to see Trump disqualified from ballots in all or some states.

Posted by HonestlySeymour

  1. Try harder, do better America. Keep the paper bag of shame on your head for considering this guy a legitimate candidate after his first term shit show. You and your justice system should harbor some embarrassment for coddling such a criminal and allowing him to waste 100’s of millions of tax payer dollars.

  2. I don’t believe he should be on the ballot, but I want him to be clearly and obviously beaten. If Harris gets to the pin in a resounding way it might begin the healing process. I’d rather not have her squeak over the line with 10k votes here or there.

  3. Federal elections are run by the states. Colorado ruled to keep trump off the ballot for his election interference but suddenly supreme court rules there is some rule prohibiting the state from doing so because the decision will impact other states(?). Another political ruling favoring fascist maga.

  4. That dude stole and retained our national secrets and kept them at a place where foreigners go through like a turnstile

    He should be in prison awaiting trial with zero chance to run for ANY office, much less the gdamn presidency.

    trump is a traitor and should be tried as such

  5. Honestly at this point it would be in his best interest to drop out, the more stuff he spews the more people are going to dislike him.

  6. TheNewsGlobe isn’t to be trusted, though. Click bait fake headlines. Add the legit news links that they are sourcing and misquoting..

  7. Good now, just remember this when you go vote. He thinks he has every right to overthrow an election and not get in trouble. In fact, it’s the only reason he is running so that he will make sure the DOJ doesn’t go after him anymore

  8. He incited an insurrection and attempted a coup. Why is he even allowed to run? How weak are we?

  9. Close enough to my thumbnail and thoroughly unscientific prediction of Trump losing the popular vote 4:3. There is an exceedingly small chance of an electoral college victory but unlikely. Some election officials will toss out votes in Democratic areas but it will not succeed in changing the outcome.

  10. There should be no way this piece of shit lunatic should be even allowed to run again for fuckign anything let alone the presidency. It’s ridiculous and it’s baffling, but here we are once again.

  11. that’s cute and while i would agree with it in principal, at this juncture, we need to defeat him at the ballot box, and it needs to be a convincing, brutal thrashing. like 60% or more. for a stretch goal give Kamala both houses of congress so she can fix the supreme court.

    it’s the only way we’re going to put this shit to bed.

  12. I want him to run and lose. Then go to prison. If they replace him with anyone even seemingly competent, there is a chance Republicans could win. That can’t happen.

  13. Why is this even still a poling question? I thought the matter had been settled? Are pollsters to afraid to ask questions on Republican policy or something? Like how great abortion and book bans are? Or how wonderful it is that Mr Trump and his political supporters want to replace democracy with something far more authoritarian?

    Note: I despise Mr Trump and see him and his followers as one of the greatest threats to American democracy, so please don’t take my above comment as some sort of support for him.

  14. Unfortunately a huge portion of the population worships this guy and so it would be really anti-democratic to keep him off the ballot. On the other hand, some of his supporters are constantly going on about how this is a republic and not a democracy.

  15. I don’t support this. He needs to be defeated in an unambiguous way. No room for legal chicanery or more conspiracy fuel.

    I’m confident in saying, at this point, that Trump won’t win, but he needs to be humbled if we’re going to begin any real nationwide psychological healing.

  16. Polls mean nothing. It’s too easy to skew them one direction or the other. Democrat polls say Harris is up in the polls, Republican polls say Trump is up in the polls. Polls mean nothing.

  17. I was convicted in 1985 Florida possession of 2 oz Cannabis made me a felon and took me 35 years to get my voting rights restored.

  18. As much as I hate Don the Con, I am definitely *not* in favor of states being able to remove a federal candidate from the ballot.

  19. Another stupid headline that’s completely false. Morons supported the Democrats in 2020. Traitors still do. Vote MAGA 2024 and save America.

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