During the summer of 2024, Russian-installed authorities illegally deported 40,000 Ukrainian children from occupied territories to so-called “re-education camps” across Russia

During the summer of 2024, Russian-installed authorities illegally deported 40,000 Ukrainian children from occupied territories to so-called “re-education camps” across Russia


Posted by polymute

  1. Crazy that the descendants of those who actually fought the Nazis are just trying to recreate what the Nazis did

    Between Russia and Israel, it’s looking quite grim

  2. > At these camps, children are subjected to military training, including shooting with automatic rifles, parachuting, drone operation, and landmine placement.

    I kind of doubt Russia is anywhere near as based as these people would like us to believe. This sounds fucking awesome.

  3. I’m not sure whether I need to state the obvious, but there’s no “reeducation camps” in Russia. Ukrainian children attend regular educational institutions, the same as everyone else.

    >children are subjected to military training, including shooting with automatic rifles, parachuting, drone operation, and landmine placement

    That’s just bollocks. Not even distorted or exaggerated, just purely made up.

    “Landmine placement and parachuting”, my ass.

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