JD Vance Accidentally Admits Trump Doesn’t Want To Be Seen With Him

JD Vance Accidentally Admits Trump Doesn’t Want To Be Seen With Him

JD Vance Accidentally Admits Trump Doesn’t Want To Be Seen With Him

Posted by Postnews001

  1. Has he tried dumping a dead bear cub in Central Park and framing it to look like a cycling accident?

  2. Trump is old and looks much older when Vance is next to him. Trump doesn’t want to point out that he’s so old. Vance looks young enough and Trump looks old enough to make Vance look like his grandkid. Too young for the job looks bad as well as too old.

  3. When Trump loses, Vance’s political career has to be over right? And he cant even get a job at IKEA because he’s on the sofa fuckers list.

  4. Conservatism has fallen so far trump would rather campaign with, in his words, radical lunatic leftists like RFK and Tulsi

  5. JD Vance is an operative for other people. He is where he is because of a deal Trump struck. He is there to make Project 2025 happen. The Heritage Foundation owns Trump. Please vote.

  6. lol JD got TRUMPED! As if he didn’t realize he wouldn’t matter after seeing what happened to Mike Pence.

  7. I saw an interview with Josh Shapiro with Brian Tyler Cohen and I feel like Shapiro had a very apt insight as to why J.D. Vance is so weird.

    Shapiro basically said it’s because he’s acting. He doesn’t actually believe in a lot of what he’s speaking of. He doesn’t believe in Donald Trump which we know because he used to be Never Trump.

    But he’s a politician not a trained actor so it just has the vibes of being disingenuous and strange.

    I think Shapiro hit the nall on the head.

  8. To be fair, it appears that nobody wants to be seen with you JD judging from the sparse crowds at your rallies…

  9. “Surprise, surprise” Gomer Pyle. I actually wouldn’t wanna be seen with either one of these gentlemen.

  10. These two holding power is could be a total disaster… people with common sense… vote blue

  11. Magats are going to be so confused when they get to the polls and see Vance instead of RFK on the same ticket as Trump.

  12. Anyone ever notice when trump attempts to smile it looks like he’s trying to get out a tough turd?

  13. Something tells me he only picked Vance because Peter Thiels money did the talking there. I don’t keep up on Trump so I’m not sure what other options he had for a VP. We know the last one wasn’t signing up again.

    It’s kind of ironic he picks a guy who said horrible things about Trump and now he kisses his ass. Reminds me of Lindsey Graham.

  14. Harris Walz should totally call them out and ridicule them for not being seen tougher 🤣🤣🤣

  15. Lmao this shit is too delicious. Who would have seen all of this coming, yet we’re just getting started.

    On another note can you image these chucklefucks running the country?! Jfc fucking VOTE. No matter how much it *appears* to be a slam dunk. Show these clowns that WE’RE NOT GOING BACK.

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