Suddenly, 50 million miserable post-menopausal voters decide to find meaning on November 5th.

Suddenly, 50 million miserable post-menopausal voters decide to find meaning on November 5th.

Posted by traverlaw

  1. JD Vance is doing a great job of pissing of potential woman Republican voters and undecided woman voters.

  2. JD vance is a true ally of the democrats ensuring almost every woman in the country will come out november 5th to vote harris.

  3. When he says stuff like this, who does he think he is appealing to? He already has the crazy Christian MAGA nut-job votes.
    Why? Just, why?

  4. The GOP will never get that shitting on women is a bad move. That is until they all get voted out.

  5. Whoa, it’s a mystery to me how someone with such values would come off as weird and unrelatable.

  6. This guy still on the ticket and doing gods work.
    Jfc… what an obtuse dipshit, Lmaooo!

  7. What in the literal fuck is this gibbering idiot on about? This is America! Freedom means choosing to follow a religion…or not. To have kids…or not. Etcetera.

    How the fuck would this empathy-less robot know anything about the inner workings of women? “Struggle to find meaning” is conceptually independent of having kids too.

    I mean, I still don’t know what I wanna be when I grow up in my 50’s here and all but I am certainly not miserable, thanks for the concern, JD!

  8. who in the blazing blue fuck is telling him to keep doubling and tripling down on this shit? “uh oh, we’re hemorrhaging women voters! quick, get JD to bitch about childless women again!”

  9. If Trump loses it will likely be this attack on women who chose a childfree life that that pushes Kamala over the top.

    More than likely before November they will realize how colossal a fuck up this moment was. Can’t wait to see the attempted backtracking.

  10. At a recent rally, Trump saw some women who were not accompanied by men. He thanked their husbands for giving their wives “permission” to go to the rally. These idiots just can’t stop treating women like some underclass who must be subservient to men.

  11. Boy this is a long shot, but does Vance know that women voters might actually help his team get elected?

  12. This is why I hope Trump keeps Vance around and doesn’t dump him for RFK. Yeah, RFK says plenty of entertaining weird shit (“I was going to put the dead bear in my freezer full of roadkill meat that I have at my house” lol what?!) but Vance’s misogyny is the kind of stuff that I LOVE to hate. Like I’m actually filled with joy by how ridiculous this Santa’s workshop reject is.

  13. Oh hon, are you ever going to find out ….

    Grandmas, moms, adoptive moms, the childless, professional women, and us cranky old women who marched for Women’s Rights … we will hand your arrogance to you on a Blue Ballot; you can eat it.

  14. Miserable post-menopausal woman struggling to find meaning here.

    I’m planning on voting for Trump & Vance.



    Just kidding. Fuck those assholes.

    Kamala/Walz FTW!

  15. Imagine being so broken you think a woman who struggles to get pregnant is somehow at fault. If he was my waiter, I’d write in a negative tip amount and leave my doggy bag on the table.

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