Kyle Rittenhouse Celebrates the Anniversary of Killing Protesters in Kenosha and It Doesn’t Go Well for Him

Kyle Rittenhouse Celebrates the Anniversary of Killing Protesters in Kenosha and It Doesn’t Go Well for Him

Posted by Danni_Les

  1. It is perplexing, indeed, how those who express such disdain for the LGBTQ community can simultaneously harbor admiration for someone who, by all appearances, embodies the very essence of what they claim to detest—a person who seems to live as a closeted middle-aged lesbian trapped within the outward form of a young man. The contradiction is almost too glaring to comprehend, yet it underscores the complexities and ironies often at play in the hearts of those who preach intolerance.

  2. Will they ever learn that it’s not the gear that makes them soldiers? It’s the training and the discipline. And man he’s androgenous.

  3. He should have got the shit beaten out of him that night. Now we have a nitwit right wing celebrity. He needs to be humbled.

  4. Post about the murdering POS need to stop. The more this puke gets posted the more attention he gets and that’s what he wants is to stay relevant

  5. Can you imagine if he was black, having just shot multiple people, walking down the street, trying to surrender to Police with his hands up and they just waved him through.

  6. If I ever “got away with” something so terrible like this I’d lay so low even my family would forget about me.

  7. Saddest 15 minutes of fame ever, and he seems unwilling to move on from its shadow.
    talk about the worst case of “peaking” ever.

  8. That guy is not going to be living outside of a prison cell or a cemetery by age 30 at this pace. He’s going to escalate things again with the wrong company.

  9. Why didnt he just sign up for the military if he wants to play toy soldier so bad. I can’t imagine how much he would cry trying to get to get through boot camp.

  10. Soon…..very soon….this murderous, cowardly piece of shit will face the retributive justice he should have received in the courtroom.

  11. Mark my words: when his moment with the GOP passes and he has to return to normal life, he will do the same thing again. He will go to a protest armed, and find an excuse to shoot “rioters.” From everything I’ve read about him he’s not particularly bright, and he likely will never be as well liked by as big a group of people as he is right now. And he will chase trying to get back into their attention in the same way he first got it.

  12. Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse and convicted rapist Broc Allen Tuner are mentioned here by me because they kinda go together, they lucked out with judges but are both pieces of shit that should be separated from decent society.

  13. I know people who have killed in self-defense. They are never happy about that. It is never something to celebrate. It is something that is sad and devastating

  14. Remember this. In a country where it seems like every other week we hear about a cop killing an unarmed black person, this 17 year old white guy with a rifle was able to have a convo with police officers during a period of unrest and chaos, and they didn’t bat an eye.

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