Losses of the Russian military to 4.9.2024

Losses of the Russian military to 4.9.2024


  1. Artillery liquidation pucking up again, but still below the established average, I’ve read there’s a serious bottleneck of old guns that are very difficult to restore which has led to a decline in guns fielded.

  2. Over 24k vehicles and fuel tanks! Keep grinding away at the supportcraft and their logistics will degrade beyond repair.

  3. Lots of personnel losses.

    I marvel at the amount of equipment Russia has squandered in Ukraine.

  4. Wow, the personnel losses are ramping up. Seems human waves being sent more and more without heavy armor.

  5. russia is now (mostly) a tank-less country

    when it reached 300k soldiers lost in 10/31/2023 it was 57 soldiers for each tank

    now its 72 for each tank

    ratio since that day (10/31/2024) to today is 93 for each tank

    ratio today=198 for each tank

    not to mention the quality of what is left compared to what europe has or even compared to what russia had 3 yeas ago, its aprouching a real life Civilization game

  6. It would be nice if these stats included some estimate of how many of each class have been brought to Ukraine

  7. Personnel numbers are slowly but steadily increasing, won’t be long before 1500 per day is the new normal.

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