
by SexyPatricia__

  1. Look, I too think brexit was a bad idea, but the “economic difficulties” are also prevalent in the EU and indeed globally. Cost of living is really not that bad here compared to places like Germany, Switzerland or even France itself for that matter.

    Also, I’m sure I don’t need to remind the French what port those immigrants are sailing from and their utter failure to do anything constructive about the situation.

    This type of speech is purely to pander to domestic political groups.

  2. The French are basically shipping over their immigrants now without eu restrictions preventing them from stopping the migrants crossing. They don’t care if migrants live or die on the crossings whereas public opinion in the uk, rightfully, doesn’t want to see people die trying to get to the country. If their elected party of choice gets any more right wing this will only mean worse immigration statistics for the uk. Brexit was only ever for the elite to benefit further from the poorest in society, as has always been the way from 90% of conservative policy over the last 50 years.

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